An easy to use OpenCL noise library based on Cloo. It's actually a rewrite of Luminoise by YellPika
Based on .NET 3.5 it's able to beeing used in .NET 3.5+ and Mono (including Unity3D). There will be also a Unity3D vector compatible version in the future.
Creating a simple 256x256 fractal:
Single3[] input = new Single3[noiseSize * noiseSize];
for (int y = 0; y < noiseSize; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < noiseSize; x++)
input[x + noiseSize * y] = new Single3((float)x/noiseSize*2-1, (float)y/noiseSize*2-1, 0.0f);
var module = Noise.FractalBrownianMotion(8, 4f, 2f, 0.5f) * 0.5f +0.5f;
var program = new NoiseProgram(module);
float[] values = program.GetValues(input, seed);
You can get as complex as you want
var module =
Noise.Voronoi(6.2f, NoiseSystem.VoronoiType.Cell) +
Noise.Max(Noise.RidgedMultifractal(4, 5, 2.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f),
Noise.FractalBrownianMotion(5, 4.5f, 1.9f, 0.5f))
* 0.5f;