cd crypto_react_native_app
npm install
react-native run-ios (For IOS)
react-native run-andriod (For Android)
- Bundling Error :
react-native start --reset-cache
- Home Screen : Fetches and renders a list of cryptocurrencies from API
- Favourite Screen : Fetches and renders a list of cryptocurrencies from AsyncStorage
- Shake the phone to navigate to Favourites or Home screen
- Add/removes cryptocurrency to Favourite List using the AsyncStorage
- Search by the name of cryptocurrency
- CryptoList : Lists all cryptos from API
- FavCryptoList : Lists of all cryptos in Favourite List from AsyncStorage
- CryptoItem : Shows the detailed view of cryptocurrency such as Prices, Price Changes, add or remove from Favourite list
- Finish HomeScreen (CryptoList View)
- Add Navigation
- Add Crypto Detailed Screen (CryptoItem View)
- Add Shake Feature (CryptoList View)
- Finish Crypto Detailed Screen (CryptoItem View)
- Add Fav Button on Crypto Detailed Screen (CryptoItem View)
- Add Favourite Crypto Screen (CryptoFav View)
- Add Search on Favourite Crypto Screen (CryptoFav View)
- Finish Favourite Crypto Screen (CryptoFavList View)
- Finish search feature (CryptoList View)
- Update FavList in state when unfollowed from FavListScreen (CryptoFav View)
- @pinkbunny1 (Jin Lee)
- @ramu3000 (Rasmus Laine)
- @MikaelTornwall (Mikael Törnwall)