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gnomAD converter functionality update
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ManuelTgn committed Apr 15, 2024
1 parent a63f2d8 commit e6d0ce2
Showing 1 changed file with 152 additions and 85 deletions.
237 changes: 152 additions & 85 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
import re

version = "2.1.3" # CRISPRme version; TODO: update when required
version = "2.1.4" # CRISPRme version; TODO: update when required
__version__ = version

script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -972,83 +972,123 @@ def target_integration():

def print_help_gnomad_converter():
Prints the help information for the gnomAD converter functionality, providing
details on the conversion process from gnomAD VCFs to VCFs compatible with
CRISPRme. It outlines the options available for specifying directories,
sample IDs, variant filtering, multiallelic site handling, and thread usage
during the conversion process.
SystemExit: If the help information is displayed to guide users on using
the gnomAD converter functionality.

# functionality description
"The gnomAD converter functionality simplifies the conversion process "
"of gnomAD VCFs (versions 3.1 and 4.0) into VCFs supported by CRISPRme. "
"It ensures a seamless transition while maintaining compatibility with "
"CRISPRme's requirements, focusing on the structure and content of "
"precomputed sample IDs file \n\n"
# options
"\t--gnomAD_VCFdir, specifies the directory containing gnomAD VCFs. "
"Files must have the BGZ extension\n"
"\t--samplesID, specifies the precomputed sample IDs file necessary "
"for incorporating population-specific information into the output "
"\t--keep, optional flag to retain all variants, regardless of their "
"filter flag. By default, variants with a filter flag different from "
"PASS are discarded\n"
"\t--multiallelic, optional flag to merge variants mapped to the "
"same position, creating multiallelic sites in the output VCFs. By "
"default, each site remains biallelic\n"
"\t--thread, used to set the number of thread used in the conversion "
"process [default 8]\n"

def gnomAD_converter():
if "--help" in input_args:
"This is the VCF gnomAD converter provided to convert all gnomADv3.1 VCFs into CRISPRme supported VCFs"
print("These are the flags that must be used in order to run this function:")
"\t--gnomAD_VCFdir, used to specify the directory containing gnomADv3.1 original VCFs"
"\t--samplesID, used to specify the pre-generated samplesID file necessary to introduce samples into gnomAD variant"
Runs the gnomAD converter functionality based on specified arguments, converting
gnomAD VCF files into formats compatible with CRISPRme.
ValueError: If mandatory arguments are missing or have incorrect values.
FileExistsError: If the specified gnomAD VCF directory cannot be located.
FileNotFoundError: If the specified sample IDs file cannot be found.
subprocess.SubprocessError: If an error occurs during the gnomAD VCF
conversion process.

args = input_args[2:] # reover gnomAD converter args
if "--help" in args or not args: # print help
if "--gnomAD_VCFdir" not in args:
raise ValueError(
"--gnomAD_VCFdir is a mandatory argument required for the conversion "
"process. Please specify the directory containing gnomAD VCFs using "
"this option\n"
"\t--thread, used to specify the number of core used to process VCFs in parallel (DEFAULT is ALL available minus 2) [OPTIONAL]"
if "--samplesID" not in args:
raise ValueError(
"--samplesID is a mandatory argument required for the conversion "
"process. Please specify the sample IDs file this option\n"

if "--gnomAD_VCFdir" not in input_args:
print("--gnomAD_VCFdir not in input, MANDATORY TO CONVERT DATA")
# vcf_dir = script_path+'vuota/'
vcf_dir = os.path.abspath(
input_args[input_args.index("--gnomAD_VCFdir") + 1]
except IndexError:
print("Please input some parameter for flag --gnomAD_VCFdir")
if not os.path.isdir(vcf_dir):
print("The folder specified for --gnomAD_VCFdir does not exist")

if "--thread" not in input_args:
# print("--thread must be contained in the input")
# exit(1)
thread = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) - 2
thread = input_args[input_args.index("--thread") + 1]
except IndexError:
print("Please input some parameter for flag --thread")
thread = int(thread)
print("Please input a number for flag thread")
if thread <= 0 or thread > len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) - 2:
print("thread is set to default (ALL available minus 2)")
thread = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) - 2
# exit(1)

if "--samplesID" not in input_args:
print("--samplesID not in input, MANDATORY TO CONVERT DATA")
elif "--samplesID" in input_args:
# read gnomAD directory arg
gnomad_dir = args[args.index("--gnomAD_VCFdir") + 1]
if gnomad_dir.startswith("--"):
raise ValueError("Please input some parameter for flag --gnomAD_VCFdir\n")
gnomad_dir = os.path.abspath(gnomad_dir) # first sanity check passed
if not os.path.isdir(gnomad_dir):
raise FileExistsError(f"Unable to locate {gnomad_dir}")
except IndexError as e:
raise ValueError(
"Please input some parameter for flag --gnomAD_VCFdir\n"
) from e
# read samples ids arg
samples_ids = args[args.index("--samplesID") + 1]
if samples_ids.startswith("--"):
raise ValueError("Please input some parameter for flag --samplesID")
samples_ids = os.path.abspath(samples_ids) # first sanity check passed
if not os.path.isfile(samples_ids):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Unable to locate {samples_ids}")
except IndexError as e:
raise ValueError("Please input some parameter for flag --samplesID") from e
# read keep arg
keep = "--keep" in args # keep all variants regardless of filter label
# read multiallelic arg
multiallelic = "--multiallelic" in args # merge variants in multiallelic sites
# read threads arg
threads = 8
if "--threads" in args:
samplefile = os.path.abspath(
input_args[input_args.index("--samplesID") + 1]
except IndexError:
print("Please input some parameter for flag --samplesID")
if not os.path.isfile(samplefile):
print("The file specified for --samplesID does not exist")

+ "./ "
+ vcf_dir
+ " "
+ samplefile
+ " "
+ str(thread)
threads = int(args[args.index("--threads") + 1])
if threads <= 0:
raise ValueError(f"Forbidden number of threads ({threads})")
except IndexError as e:
raise ValueError("Missing or forbidden threads value") from e
# run gnom AD converter
gnomad_converter_script = os.path.join(
script_path.replace("PostProcess", "src"), ""
cmd = (
f"python {gnomad_converter_script} {gnomad_dir} {samples_ids} {keep} "
f"{multiallelic} {threads}"
code =, shell=True)
if code != 0:
raise subprocess.SubprocessError(
f"An error occurred while converting gnomAD VCFs in {gnomad_dir}"

def personal_card():
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1134,20 +1174,47 @@ def crisprme_version():

def print_help_complete_test():
Prints the help information for executing comprehensive testing of the
complete-search functionality provided by CRISPRme.
SystemExit: If the help information is displayed to guide users on
executing comprehensive testing.

# write intro message to stdout
"Execute comprehensive testing for complete-search functionality "
"provided by CRISPRme\n"
# list functionality options
"\t--chrom, test the complete-search functionality on the specified "
"chromosome (e.g., chr22). By default, the test is conducted on all "
"\t--vcf_dataset, VCFs dataset to be used during CRISPRme testing. "
"Available options include 1000 Genomes (1000G) and Human Genome "
"Diversity Project (HGDP). The default dataset is 1000 Genomes.\n"
"\t--debug, debug mode\n"

def complete_test_crisprme():
Executes comprehensive testing for the complete-search functionality provided
by CRISPRme based on specified arguments.
OSError: If the CRISPRme test fails, indicating an issue with the testing

if "--help" in input_args:
"Execute comprehensive testing for complete-search functionality "
"provided by CRISPRme\n"
"--chrom, test the complete-search functionality on the specified "
"chromosome (e.g., chr22). By default, the test is conducted on all "
"--vcf_dataset, VCFs dataset to be used during CRISPRme testing. "
"Available options include 1000 Genomes (1000G) and Human Genome "
"Diversity Project (HGDP). The default dataset is 1000 Genomes.\n"
"--debug, debug mode\n"
chrom = "all"
if "--chrom" in input_args: # individual chrom to test
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