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Aframe Boilerplate - a simple A-Frame Demonstration

Project setup and Gulp installation

Aframe-bp, adapted from fastshell, utilises open source components running on the Terminal/command-line for it's workflow. While some of the basic demonstrations will run by opening the app/index.html file, to see everyting (e.g. 360 video) you need to install Node and Gulp.

Here's a walkthrough of how to get a project up and running. To execute some of these steps, you'll need to open Terminal on your Mac, or the Command Prompt on Windows.

  1. Install Node.js, Sass and Git on your machine. If you're a Windows user you'll also need to install Ruby for Sass to work.

  2. Install Gulp in the Terminal/Console using

npm install -g gulp

On some Macs, you may need to use sudo in front of the Gulp install command to give it permissions.

  1. Fork/Clone/Download the aframe-bp repository into your machine.

  2. Open Terminal/Web Console and navigate to the folder you downloaded. Use the following command to install to node_modules

npm install npm install gulp

You don't need sudo to do this in most cases.

  1. The npm install you did in previous step should install all the dependencies, which you can confirm by visiting the node_modules in your project directory.

  2. To start the web server included in the project, type gulp in the Terminal/Console (again in your project directory) to run the commands associated with aframe-bp and to automatically open a new aframe-bp project running on localhost:3000.

  3. From now on, just run gulp in your project directory to automatically run aframe-bp's Gulp tasks.

Once running, aframe-bp does the following:

  1. Mounts the app folder onto a local server
  2. Listens for changes inside the src directory, and compiles the necessary files into the app directory, which will then automaticaly livereload or inject changes. CSS changes are injected, all other changes force a page reload.

Checking Your Installation

Status HUD

Edit the to , and you'll get a display including framerate, memory, and overall performance of your app.

The DOM Inspector

A a visual tool, similar to browser’s DOM Inspector Go to any A-Frame scene Hit + + i on your keyboard

Testing the A-Frame Examples

To test, just go to the src/html folder, and edit the index.html. The A-Frame components have been hidden with HTML comments:

Un-comment the second comment in these blocks, one at a time, to see each feature or effect. In other 20 lines of code, you can duplicate what some 'native' apps do.

NOTE: DO NOT edit in the /app directory - these files are copied dynamically by gulp every time you save files in the /src directory.

Editing files in the boilerplate

  1. Edit in /app/index.html to change your aframe world
  2. Edit either /src/js/app.js to change JavaScript
  3. Edit /src/scss/style.scss (or subfolders with.scss files to change your CSS)

Links to more A-Frame and WebVR Resources WebVR Slack Channel

More Technical Info

The package.json includes the dependencies for the project as well as information about the project.


Gulp's browser-sync will inject the following script into your HTML for you (don't be surprised if you see in when you inspect the site with your Web Console):

<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
;document.write("<script defer src='//HOST:3000/'><\/script><script defer src='//HOST:3001/client/browser-sync-client.0.9.1.js'><\/script>".replace(/HOST/g, location.hostname));

Extending Gulp tasks

If you're including more Gulp tasks in your project, remember to use the npm install <Gulp package> --save-dev inside your Terminal so that it gets added to your package.json file for future dependencies.

Add new tasks to the gulp tasks at the gulpfile.js:


aframe-bp comes with a single app.js to get you started. If you're building an AngularJS or ReactJS project you will need to change app.js. The generic scripts file ships with an immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE) using jQuery:

(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
  'use strict';
  // aframe-bp
})(jQuery, window, document);

Sass/SCSS setup

aframe-bp comes with a .scss file setup and existing @import declarations for common web components. aframe-bp it uses the fastshell CSS structure to provide good organization for Sass files converted to CSS.

SCSS Files:

  • mixins holds all Sass/SCSS mixins, aframe-bp ships with a few helpers
  • module holds modules, more Object-Orientated components and a generic app.scss for everything else, all file names should be modular/OO.
  • partials holds the blueprints for the project, the header, footer, sidebar and so on.
  • vendor holds any files that are third party, such as the font awesome icons CSS
  • style.scss imports all the necessary files from the above folders, when adding new files be sure to add it inside this file.

Hidden files explained

If you're on a Mac, it's a good idea to expose hidden files so you can configure your .editorconfig, .jshintrc, .gitignore files. On the command line, enter:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES

To hide hidden files enter:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO


EditorConfig helps developers define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs. The .editorconfig file consists of a format for defining coding styles and a collection of text editor plugins that enable editors to read the file format and adhere to defined styles.


Ignores minified and generated files, this is best for working in teams to avoid constant conflict, only the source files are needed.


This is used on for continuous integration tests, which monitors the aframe-bp build.

Platform support

aframe-bp runs on Mac OS X, Linux and Windows.


basic boilerplate for aframe tutorial






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