Project has been built and tested on an AWS EC2 ubuntu 18.04 machine sshed into from Arch Linux (Manjaro). The project aims at building a scalable JAVA stack using dockerised microservices.
- Spring-Boot with JAVA
- Tomcat
- Eclipse IDE.
The docker containers can be made horizontally scalable with Docker Compose and fault-tolerant with Docker Swarm.
The project aims at easing JAVA stack development with the help of microservices.
The project suggests the use of an Xserver so that eclipse docker can be deployed
docker run -d --net=host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --volume=$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw microservices-docker
docker container run -dp 8080:8080 microservices-docker
Tomcat is always deployed as a foreground process
Commands to run the dockerfile have been put in for your reference
The docker-compose.dir directory includes the dockerfiles for 3 microservices; namely, Spring-Boot, Eclipse IDE and Tomcat. MySQL uses the official MySQL image.
Run the command docker-compose up -d
to start the microservices. To know more about the services, take a look at the docker-compose.yml
Run the command docker-compose down
to stop the services.
Run the command docker-compose up -d --scale "service-name"="x"
to start "x" containers of service "service-name"
Run the command docker-compose scale "service-name"="x"
to create total "x" containers of service "service-name"
Take a look at the official tutorial to create a swarm.
In a nutshell:
- Create a manager node by sshing into it using
docker-machine ssh <manager-name>
- Create a new swarm by
docker swarm init --advertise-addr <MANAGER-IP>
- To add a worker node, use
docker swarm join --token=<MANAGER-TOKEN> <MANAGER-IP>:<PORT>
- Spring-Boot: 2.3.2
- Tomcat: 9.0.37
- Java: openjdk-11
- MySQL: 5.7