Arkanoid hardware implementation for FPGA, tested on Altera Cyclone II DE1 board, developed using Altera Quartus II Web Edition.
Video presentation:
##Project structure
- arkanoid-vhdl-master: main project files (source code)
- Arkanoid Level Editor: a nice wysiwyg level editor that lets you create your own levels, providing functions for loading/saving .mif files. Remember to compile after editing arkanoid-vhdl-master/levels.mif
- Project report (ITALIAN only).pdf: project final report (italian only)
- Create new Quartus II project "arkanoid-vhdl-master"
- Copy arkanoid-vhdl-master source files inside project
- (Quartus II) Assignments -> Import Assignments -> File name: /PATH_TO/DE1.qsf -> Ok (DE1.qsf is located in "arkanoid-vhdl-master" folder)
- Compile
- Program device (after connecting DE1 board through USB port)
- Connect a display through DE1 VGA port
- Connect a PS/2 Keyboard to DE1 PS/2 Port
- (optional) Connect a buzzer to DE1 GPIO_0(0) pin
- Press spacebar
- Enjoy :)
##Key bindings
- Move LEFT: "Y"
- Move RIGHT: "I"
- Start: spacebar
- Pause: "P"
- Reset: Altera DE1 Key(0) physical button
##Authors Pietro Bassi
Marco Torsello