Provides functions for indexing a set of key-values elements. The query has false positives which rate is below 1/2^fingerprint_size. A false positive is an element not indexed for which the structures provides a value. Note that values provided for indexed elements are correct.
The quasi_dictionnay uses the BooPHM Minimal perfect hash function for associating a key to a value. A fingerprint value is automatically added to each indexed element for probabilistic set representation.
CMake 2.6+; see
c++ compiler; compilation was tested with gcc and g++ version>=4.5 (Linux) and clang version>=4.1 (Mac OSX).
# get a local copy of source code
git clone --recursive
# compile the code an run a simple test on your computer
cd quasi_dictionary
# runs a quasi-dictionary instance with 1 million elements and a fingerprint of size 12
./qd_test 1000000 12
The src directory contains a file named qd_tester.cpp that provides a full quasi-dicitonary usage example