The Padvizualizer is a small UI tool, written in python2 with the pygame 1.9.3 library, which provides libSDL 2.0 bindings. Using vectorgraphic templates it displays 2 dimensional polygons depending on your gamepad inputs.
Originally it was designed for Trackmania streams/videos so people can see what buttons or analog inputs you are pressing. Currently displayed inputs are limited to trackmania gameplay standards: Acceleration (digital), breaking (digital) and steering (analog).
Please note, the tool is still in development, not too stable and very limited in it's use. There is no fixed development schedule. If you feel like contributing to this (thank you, i love you) be warned! It started out as a typical etch-a-sketch project without any no structure mind what so ever. Yet, after some cleanup, the code is still very primive basing on an event-loop and has almost no object orientation or design patterns included.
- analog input for acceleration or breaking
- autodetect pads in calibration
- color selection widget
- More intuitive UI for color selection, setting the deadzone, more responsive topbar
- OPTIMIZE sprite and preload UI graphics
- poly animations on input (popup, color transitions...)
- more (circlic) visualizer displays
- Frame delayed smoothing?
- allow keyboard input?
- antialiasing? > gfxdraw
This application comes "AS IS". I don't serve any warranty for it. It is licensed under LGPL-3.0. For a detailed license description see the LICENSE.txt document. For a short summary see here
regarding the binary package: why is the zip file still so big, despite the application being quite "small"?
Since I programmed the application with python2 - python is a scripting language and uses an interpreter - the zipped package also contains the whole python interpreter and additional libraries, like 'pygame'. If you prefer to, you can also get the code and run it on your system, with your local python2 installation and necessary libraries.
Because i'm stupid and lazy
One possible cause is, that you plugged or un-plugged another pad to your machine, next to the active one. A simple solution is to delete you config.json file and re-calibrate your inputs in the padviz application.
I will probably not be able to fix this case with the padviz software. It depends on your pad driver. I was able to reproduce the described case with the default xbox pad driver. Using a custom driver you can resolve it by using increased polling rates.
When the padviz tool is out of focus (but not minimized) it won't display any input values of the pad anymore
I'm really not sure what causes this and I cannot reproduce it on my machine. It was already reported for windows 10 with the ps3 controller and xbox one controller.