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teracy-dev - get development fun!

This teracy-dev repository was created for developing softwares at Teracy with ease and fun. We use virtualbox for running as a VM box, chef and vagrant for installing and configuring any necessary packages.

By using this approach, we can work in a consistent development environment. We do not have to install tons of development stuff on the host machine manually to get started.

Before getting started, please see the "Frequently asked question" to know some of the common problems you could meet with proposed solutions.


  • $ vagrant up to boot the VM
  • $ vagrant ssh to access the VM via SSH

More commands:


Follow the guide at:


All configuration is in the Vagrantfile and vagrant_config.json files.

To override the default configuration, you need to copy the key you want to override from vagrant_config.json to your newly created vagrant_config_override.json file and adjust it by your needs.

For example, override the vm_forwarded_ports and java keys as follows.


 // Config git for virtualbox
        "name":"Hoa Vu",
        "email":"[email protected]"

We do this for smooth teracy-dev upgrading.

workspace directory

The workspace directory is created under teracy-dev. This workspace directory is the location where you will store all your work, after $ vagrant up, the following sub-directories will be created if they do not exist yet.

workspace/personal: the location to store all your stuffs which you have full control (your own projects).

workspace/readonly: the location to store all the stuffs that you just can read only (open source projects).

The teracy-dev/workspace directory from host machine is mapped to the ~/workspace directory on the virtual machine. So you can access this workspace directory from the virtual machine by the $ cd ~/workspace or alias $ ws command.

From now on, we will $ vagrant ssh and run command lines on the virtual machine if not explicitly mentioning about running command lines on the host machine.


We offered free training for recruiting newcomers.

Learn more

Frequently asked questions

1. My internet speed is slow, ``$ vagrant up`` took a lot of time and reset to 0% after reaching more than 50%?

For slow internet connection (~200KB/s or lower), you could use a download accelerator to download .box file (400-500MB) first with the link:

And before $ vagrant up, you must execute the command below:

$ vagrant box add opscode-ubuntu-1204

If you're on Windows and downloaded the .box file to your Desktop, then:

$ vagrant box add opscode-ubuntu-1204 ~/Desktop/

The output could be something similar like this:

Downloading or copying the box...
Extracting box...te: 66.3M/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:00:01)
Successfully added box 'opscode-ubuntu-1204' with provider 'virtualbox'!

2. What OS should I use for best development environment?

You could use any OS to start development (Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Mac, Ubuntu, etc.)

However, Windows is NOT recommended for best development experience. It is better to work on any *nix compatible OS (Mac OSX, Ubuntu, Fedora, Redhat, and more.)

Ubuntu 12.04 is a strongly recommended OS for development, get it now at:

3. After ``$ vagrant up``, there is an error saying that ``virtualbox`` has error, cannot run and quit immediately?

Make sure you install the exact version 4.3.12 of virtualbox.

4. How could I update ``teracy-dev``?

We're trying to make the update as painless as possible so that we don't have to destroy and up again as it is time consuming. We try to make the update with provision, acceptable reload. If we have to destroy and up again, it will be the next major release version.

Follow the command below and you're done:

$ git pull

5. How to use ssh keys on the virtual machine?

config.ssh.forward_agent = true is enabled by default. It means that we do not have to specify username & password each time when working with Git like pull, push, rebase, etc..

However, if you want to use new created ssh keys for the Vagrant box, then you need to set config.ssh.forward_agent = false on Vagrantfile or comment that line.

  • teracy-dev/home/.ssh on the host machine and ~/.ssh on the virtual machine are in sync. You can copy your existing ssh keys into one location and it will be available in the other location;
  • Or create new ssh keys on the virtual machine, and these keys will be copied into teracy-dev/home/.ssh.


Get development fun!







No packages published


  • Ruby 97.6%
  • Shell 1.2%
  • Other 1.2%