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Releases: phucledien/happy-hacking-keystroke

Release v1.1.2

11 Aug 02:40
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What news?

  • Just a hotfix to remove the background queue, since it will make our app to crash 💥

⌨️ Release v1.1.1

11 Aug 02:24
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What's new?

  • We just have a new icon, thanks FLUX Generative AI Model 🤖
  • Improve little perf by using background queue (just I wonder it would help 🤔)


⌨️ Release v1.1.0

10 Aug 18:13
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This release just introduces small improvements

  • Handle case when user type 10 keystrokes in a time
    • Underlying implement simple 10 element ring buffer. As I guess, no one can type more than 10 keys at a time ✋🤔
  • Handle case when user hold down 1 key

Release POC version

10 Aug 16:21
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This release is just a POC version, which play a specific sound when you press a keystroke
Happy Hacking fens ⌨️