Scripts for Textual IRC. These are mainly in AppleScript with other languages pinched in here and there.
Drop these scripts in your ~/Library/Application Scripts/com.codeux.irc.textual
folder and let the fireworks begin! If this folder isn't present on your machine, create it and add these scripts.
$ git clone "~/Library/Application Scripts/com.codeux.irc.textual/textual-scripts"
$ mv "~/Library/Application Scripts/com.codeux.irc.textual/textual-scripts/*" "~/Library/Application Scripts/com.codeux.irc.textual/" && rm -rf "~/Library/Application Scripts/com.codeux.irc.textual/textual-scripts"
/dns <Domain Name or IP Address>
gets the dns entry for its argument.
/hash <algorithm> <data>
hashes data using the specified algorithm. Options are md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, and sha512.
/isgd <url>
shortens a link using
is my Now Playing script. Compatible with Quicktime Player, Spotify, and iTunes.
/py <python expression>
evaluates a python expression.
/rb <ruby expression>
evaluates a ruby expression.
will autojoin their IRC chans without using the web dialog, you just need to fill in your cookie info.
checks the status of's site, tracker, and irc network.
/wr <location>
reports the weather for the provided location.
Some of these scripts were pulled from these guys, but needed some updating to work properly.