This is meant for TESTING PURPOSES ONLY! Do not use it in production. Just don't do it. Or I will let my dog play in a mud pit, then let her run around in your house.
This is a template project, based on drupal/recommended-project
, that sets up a Drupal 10.1 project with TUF protection for installing contributed modules and themes.
To set up an instance of this project:
composer create-project php-tuf/drupal-project --stability=dev --repository='{"type": "vcs", "url": ""}'
That's it.
- This is using the
staging server as the source of secure TUF metadata. The staging server is in heavy development and might need to be refreshed from time to time. Expect bugs! drupal/core
, and other packages prefixed withdrupal/core-
, are NOT protected by TUF. That's because they are exposed
, which doesn't support TUF.- TUF is meant to work silently, in the background. Under normal usage, you shouldn't really know it's there. If you pass the
flag to Composer commands, though, you will see TUF outputting debugging information. TUF's debugging output is prefixed with[TUF]
. - At the moment, PHP-TUF significantly slows down Composer's performance and increases its memory usage. It's like a flashback to the days of Composer 1.x. I recommend you give PHP a minimum of 1 GB of RAM, and be prepared to make a cup of coffee while Composer does its work.
The staging server only applies TUF protection to the 150 most popular Drupal modules and themes. You'll get nasty-looking errors if you try to install or update anything that's not on this list:
- address
- addtoany
- adminimal_admin_toolbar
- adminimal_theme
- admin_toolbar
- advagg
- allowed_formats
- anchor_link
- antibot
- asset_injector
- auto_entitylabel
- autologout
- backup_migrate
- better_exposed_filters
- blazy
- block_class
- block_field
- bootstrap
- bootstrap_barrio
- captcha
- chosen
- ckeditor
- colorbox
- colorbutton
- color_field
- components
- conditional_fields
- config_filter
- config_ignore
- config_split
- config_update
- contact_storage
- crop
- csv_serialization
- ctools
- devel
- diff
- draggableviews
- dropzonejs
- ds
- easy_breadcrumb
- editor_advanced_link
- editor_file
- embed
- entity
- entity_browser
- entity_clone
- entity_embed
- entityqueue
- entity_reference_revisions
- entity_usage
- eu_cookie_compliance
- externalauth
- extlink
- facets
- fakeobjects
- features
- feeds
- field_group
- field_permissions
- file_mdm
- focal_point
- fontawesome
- geofield
- geolocation
- gin
- gin_toolbar
- google_analytics
- google_tag
- honeypot
- image_effects
- imagemagick
- image_widget_crop
- imce
- inline_entity_form
- jquery_ui
- jquery_ui_accordion
- jquery_ui_autocomplete
- jquery_ui_datepicker
- jquery_ui_draggable
- jquery_ui_menu
- jquery_ui_slider
- jquery_ui_touch_punch
- key
- layout_builder_restrictions
- libraries
- link_attributes
- linkit
- mailsystem
- masquerade
- maxlength
- menu_admin_per_menu
- menu_block
- menu_breadcrumb
- menu_item_extras
- menu_link_attributes
- metatag
- migrate_plus
- migrate_tools
- mimemail
- module_filter
- page_manager
- panelbutton
- panels
- paragraphs
- password_policy
- pathauto
- profile
- quick_node_clone
- rabbit_hole
- recaptcha
- redirect
- redis
- restui
- robotstxt
- role_delegation
- scheduler
- schema_metatag
- search_api
- search_api_autocomplete
- search_api_solr
- seckit
- simple_sitemap
- sitemap
- slick
- slick_views
- smart_trim
- smtp
- sophron
- state_machine
- superfish
- svg_image
- swiftmailer
- token
- token_filter
- twig_field_value
- twig_tweak
- typed_data
- ultimate_cron
- upgrade_status
- video_embed_field
- views_bootstrap
- views_bulk_operations
- views_data_export
- views_infinite_scroll
- viewsreference
- views_slideshow
- view_unpublished
- webform
- xmlsitemap