Data provider plugin for loading data stored in a Redis in-memory database.
Please note that this project has been archived and is no longer being maintained. There is an active development under and we will also contribute our future changes to it.
git clone
cd phovea_data_redis
npm install
npm test
npm run build
The plugin is currently used to load ID mapping files.
select 3
Follow this steps if you want to administrate the Redis instance that is installed inside the virtual machine (using Vagrant)
- Download any Redis administration tool (e.g., Redis Desktop Manager)
- Start docker-compose in debug mode:
docker-compose-debug up -d
- Access via localhost
Backing up a Redis DB: ->
Restoring in a named volume:
- launch container
docker run -it -v workspacename_db_redis_data:/data -v F:\w\workspace_name\_backup\:/backup --name test redis:3.2-alpine sh ; docker rm test
- within shell
redis-server --appendonly yes &
cd /backup
cat redis_db_dump_id.txt | redis-cli -n 3
cat redis_db_dump_mapping.txt | redis-cli -n 4
- use backup tool to backup
./docker-backup backup db_redis_data
This repository is part of Phovea, a platform for developing web-based visualization applications. For tutorials, API docs, and more information about the build and deployment process, see the documentation page.