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Pierre Horgue edited this page Sep 27, 2021 · 2 revisions

darcyGradPressureAniso BC


This boundary condition provides a fixed gra^dient condition for pressure p for a fixed velocity boundary condition when using the solver anisoImpesFoam. For more details about the pressure gradient computation, you can refer to darcyGradPressure.

In anisoImpesFoam, the permeability field K is tensorial and requires specific computation.


    type            darcyGradPressureAniso;
    phiName         phi; // optional (phi by default)
    value           uniform 0; // optional initial value (necessary for paraview display)


This boundary generally requires a fixedValue BC on velocity which may be variable in time and in space (darcyGradPressureAniso update pressure gradient at each time iteration).


It is planned to merge this boundary condition to darcyGradPressure by developing a templated boundary conditions, accepting both scalar and tensorial permeability fields.

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