gem install confiture
or in your Gemfile:
gem "confiture"
In order to use confiture, just include it into a configuration klass:
module Your
class Configuration
include Confiture::Configuration
confiture_allowed_keys(:secret, :key)
confiture_defaults(secret: 'SECRET_STUFF', key: 'EVEN_MOAR_SECRET')
Rails style initializer (config/initializers/asin.rb):
Your::Configuration.configure do |config|
config.secret = 'your-secret'
config.key = 'your-key'
YAML style configuration:
Your::Configuration.configure yaml: 'config/some.yml'
Inline style configuration:
Your::Configuration.configure secret: 'your-secret', key: 'your-key'
# or
client.configure secret: 'your-secret', key: 'your-key'
Temporary configuration:
Your::Configuration.with_config(key: "temp-key") do
"THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): [email protected] wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return Peter Schröder