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Add telemetry events
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José Valim committed May 29, 2019
1 parent 73949e7 commit 4d61eac
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Showing 23 changed files with 470 additions and 487 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions guides/
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Expand Up @@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ if code_reloading? do

[Plug.RequestId]( generates a unique id for each request and [Plug.Logger]( logs the request path, status code and request time by default.
[Plug.RequestId]( generates a unique id for each request and [Plug.Telemetry]( adds instrumentation points so Phoenix can log the request path, status code and request time by default.

plug Plug.RequestId
plug Plug.Logger
plug Plug.Telemetry, event_prefix: [:phoenix, :endpoint]

[Plug.Session]( handles the session cookies and session stores.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion installer/templates/phx_web/endpoint.ex
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Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ defmodule <%= endpoint_module %> do

plug Plug.RequestId
plug Plug.Logger
plug Plug.Telemetry, event_prefix: [:phoenix, :endpoint]

plug Plug.Parsers,
parsers: [:urlencoded, :multipart, :json],
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lib/phoenix.ex
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Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ defmodule Phoenix do
:erlang.system_flag(:backtrace_depth, stacktrace_depth)


# Start the supervision tree
import Supervisor.Spec

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80 changes: 36 additions & 44 deletions lib/phoenix/channel/server.ex
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Expand Up @@ -32,9 +32,7 @@ defmodule Phoenix.Channel.Server do
ref = make_ref()
from = {self(), ref}

# TODO: When we migrate to DynamicSupervisor, we will start
# {channel, {payload, from, socket}} and have its child spec
# point back to this module start link.
# TODO: Migrate to DynamicSupervisor and invoke the channel child_spec.
args = [channel, {payload, from, socket}]

case PoolSupervisor.start_child(socket.endpoint, socket.handler, from, args) do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,29 +250,13 @@ defmodule Phoenix.Channel.Server do
private: Map.merge(channel.__socket__(:private), private)

case channel_join(socket, channel, topic, auth_payload) do
{:ok, socket} ->
init_info(socket, channel, topic, %{}, from)

{:ok, reply, socket} ->
init_info(socket, channel, topic, reply, from)

{:error, reply} ->
log_join(socket, topic, fn -> "Replied #{topic} :error" end)
GenServer.reply(from, {:error, reply})
{:stop, :shutdown, socket}

other ->
raise """
channel #{inspect(}.join/3 is expected to return one of:
{:ok, Socket.t} |
{:ok, reply :: map, Socket.t} |
{:error, reply :: map}
got #{inspect(other)}
start = System.monotonic_time()
{reply, state} = channel_join(channel, topic, auth_payload, socket)
duration = System.monotonic_time() - start
metadata = %{params: auth_payload, socket: socket, result: elem(reply, 0)}
:telemetry.execute([:phoenix, :channel_joined], %{duration: duration}, metadata)
GenServer.reply(from, reply)

def handle_info(%Message{topic: topic, event: "phx_leave", ref: ref}, %{topic: topic} = socket) do
Expand All @@ -285,13 +267,12 @@ defmodule Phoenix.Channel.Server do
%Message{topic: topic, event: event, payload: payload, ref: ref},
%{topic: topic} = socket
) do
runtime = %{ref: ref, event: event, params: payload, socket: socket}

Phoenix.Endpoint.instrument(socket, :phoenix_channel_receive, runtime, fn ->
|>, put_in(socket.ref, ref))
|> handle_in()
start = System.monotonic_time()
result =, payload, put_in(socket.ref, ref))
duration = System.monotonic_time() - start
metadata = %{ref: ref, event: event, params: payload, socket: socket}
:telemetry.execute([:phoenix, :channel_handled_in], %{duration: duration}, metadata)

def handle_info(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -379,29 +360,40 @@ defmodule Phoenix.Channel.Server do

## Joins

defp channel_join(socket, channel, topic, auth_payload) do
instrument = %{params: auth_payload, socket: socket}
defp channel_join(channel, topic, auth_payload, socket) do
case channel.join(topic, auth_payload, socket) do
{:ok, socket} ->
{{:ok, %{}}, init_join(socket, channel, topic)}

Phoenix.Endpoint.instrument(socket, :phoenix_channel_join, instrument, fn ->
channel.join(topic, auth_payload, socket)
{:ok, reply, socket} ->
{{:ok, reply}, init_join(socket, channel, topic)}

{:error, reply} ->
{{:error, reply}, {:stop, :shutdown, socket}}

other ->
raise """
channel #{inspect(}.join/3 is expected to return one of:
{:ok, Socket.t} |
{:ok, reply :: map, Socket.t} |
{:error, reply :: map}
got #{inspect(other)}

defp init_info(socket, channel, topic, reply, from) do
defp init_join(socket, channel, topic) do
%{transport_pid: transport_pid, serializer: serializer, pubsub_server: pubsub_server} = socket

fastlane = {transport_pid, serializer, channel.__intercepts__()}
PubSub.subscribe(pubsub_server, topic, link: true, fastlane: fastlane)

log_join(socket, topic, fn -> "Replied #{topic} :ok" end)
GenServer.reply(from, {:ok, reply})
{:noreply, %{socket | joined: true}}

defp log_join(%{private: %{log_join: false}}, _topic, _func), do: :noop
defp log_join(%{private: %{log_join: level}}, _topic, func), do: Logger.log(level, func)

## Handle results

defp handle_result({:stop, reason, socket}, _callback) do
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190 changes: 40 additions & 150 deletions lib/phoenix/endpoint.ex
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Expand Up @@ -237,131 +237,45 @@ defmodule Phoenix.Endpoint do
## Instrumentation
Phoenix supports instrumentation through an extensible API. Each endpoint
defines an `c:instrument/3` macro that both users and Phoenix internals can call
to instrument generic events. This macro is responsible for measuring the time
it takes for the event to be processed and for notifying a list of interested
instrumenter modules of this measurement.
You can configure this list of instrumenter modules in the compile-time
configuration of your endpoint. (see the `:instrumenters` option above). The
way these modules express their interest in events is by exporting public
functions where the name of each function is the name of an event. For
example, if someone instruments the `:render_view` event, then each
instrumenter module interested in that event will have to export
### Callbacks cycle
The event callback sequence is:
1. The event callback is called *before* the event happens (in this case,
before the view is rendered) with the atom `:start` as the first
argument; see the "Before clause" section below
2. The event occurs (in this case, the view is rendered)
3. The same event callback is called again, this time with the atom `:stop`
as the first argument; see the "After clause" section below
The second and third argument that each event callback takes depends on the
callback being an "after" or a "before" callback i.e. it depends on the
value of the first argument, `:start` or `:stop`. For this reason, most of
the time you will want to define (at least) two separate clauses for each
event callback, one for the "before" and one for the "after" callbacks.
All event callbacks are run in the same process that calls the `c:instrument/3`
macro; hence, instrumenters should be careful to avoid performing blocking actions.
If an event callback fails in any way (exits, throws, or raises), it won't
affect anything as the error is caught, but the failure will be logged. Note
that "after" callbacks are not guaranteed to be called as, for example, a link
may break before they've been called.
#### "Before" clause
When the first argument to an event callback is `:start`, the signature of
that callback is:
event_callback(:start, compile_metadata, runtime_metadata)
* `compile_metadata` is a map of compile-time metadata about the environment
where `instrument/3` has been called. It contains the module where the
instrumentation is happening (under the `:module` key), the file and line
(`:file` and `:line`), and the function inside which the instrumentation
is happening (under `:function`). This information can be used arbitrarily
by the callback
* `runtime_metadata` is a map of runtime data that the instrumentation
passes to the callbacks. This can be used for any purposes: for example,
when instrumenting the rendering of a view, the name of the view could be
passed in these runtime data so that instrumenters know which view is
being rendered (`instrument(:view_render, %{view: "index.html"}, fn
#### "After" clause
When the first argument to an event callback is `:stop`, the signature of that
callback is:
event_callback(:stop, time_diff, result_of_before_callback)
* `time_diff` is an integer representing the time it took to execute the
instrumented function **in native units**
* `result_of_before_callback` is the return value of the "before" clause of
the same `event_callback`. This is a means of passing data from the
"before" clause to the "after" clause when instrumenting
The return value of each "before" event callback will be stored and passed to
the corresponding "after" callback.
### Using instrumentation
Each Phoenix endpoint defines its own `instrument/3` macro. This macro is
called like this:
require MyApp.Endpoint
MyApp.Endpoint.instrument(:render_view, %{view: "index.html"}, fn ->
# actual view rendering
All the instrumenter modules that export a `render_view/3` function will be
notified of the event so that they can perform their respective actions.
### Phoenix default events
By default, Phoenix instruments the following events:
* `:phoenix_controller_call` - the entire controller pipeline.
The `%Plug.Conn{}` is passed as runtime metadata
* `:phoenix_controller_render` - the rendering of a view from a
controller. The map of runtime metadata passed to instrumentation
callbacks has the `:view` key - for the name of the view, e.g. `HexWeb.ErrorView`,
the `:template` key - for the name of the template, e.g.,
`"index.html"`, the `:format` key - for the format of the template, and
the `:conn` key - containing the `%Plug.Conn{}`
* `:phoenix_error_render` - the rendering of an error view when an exception,
throw, or exit is caught. The map of runtime metadata contains the `:status`
key of the error's HTTP status code, the `:conn` key containg the
`%Plug.Conn{}`, as well as the `:kind`, `:reason`, and `:stacktrace` of
the caught error
* `:phoenix_channel_join` - the joining of a channel. The `%Phoenix.Socket{}`
and join params are passed as runtime metadata via `:socket` and `:params`
* `:phoenix_channel_receive` - the receipt of an incoming message over a
channel. The `%Phoenix.Socket{}`, payload, event, and ref are passed as
runtime metadata via `:socket`, `:params`, `:event`, and `:ref`
* `:phoenix_socket_connect` - the connection of the user socket transport.
The map of runtime metadata contains the `:transport`, `:params`, a map of
`connect_info`, and the `:user_socket` module.
### Dynamic instrumentation
If you want to instrument a piece of code, but the endpoint that should
instrument it (the one that contains the `c:instrument/3` macro you want to use)
is not known at compile time, only at runtime, you can use the
`Phoenix.Endpoint.instrument/4` macro. Refer to its documentation for more
Phoenix uses the `:telemetry` library for instrumentation. The following events
are published by Phoenix with the following measurements and metadata:
* `[:phoenix, :endpoint, :start]` - dispatched by `Plug.Telemetry` in your
endpoint at the beginning of every request.
* Measurement: `%{time: System.monotonic_time}`
* Metadata: `%{conn: Plug.Conn.t}`
* `[:phoenix, :endpoint, :stop]` - dispatched by `Plug.Telemetry` in your
endpoint whenever the response is sent
* Measurement: `%{duration: native_time}`
* Metadata: `%{conn: Plug.Conn.t}`
* `[:phoenix, :router_dispatch, :start]` - dispatched by `Phoenix.Router`
before dispatching to a matched route
* Measurement: `%{time: System.monotonic_time}`
* Metadata: `%{conn: Plug.Conn.t, route: binary, plug: module, plug_opts: term, path_params: map, pipe_through: [atom]}`
* `[:phoenix, :router_dispatch, :stop]` - dispatched by `Phoenix.Router`
after successfully dispatching to a matched route
* Measurement: `%{duration: native_time}`
* Metadata: `%{conn: Plug.Conn.t, route: binary, plug: module, plug_opts: term, path_params: map, pipe_through: [atom]}`
* `[:phoenix, :error_rendered]` - dispatched at the end of an error view being rendered
* Measurement: `%{duration: native_time}`
* Metadata: `%{status: Plug.Conn.status, kind: Exception.kind, reason: term, stacktrace: Exception.stacktrace}`
* `[:phoenix, :socket_connected]` - dispatched at the end of a socket connection
* Measurement: `%{duration: native_time}`
* Metadata: `%{endpoint: atom, transport: atom, params: term, connect_info: map, vsn: binary, user_socket: atom, result: :ok | :error, serializer: atom}`
* `[:phoenix, :channel_joined]` - dispatched at the end of a channel join
* Measurement: `%{duration: native_time}`
* Metadata: `%{params: term, socket: Phoenix.Socket.t}`
* `[:phoenix, :channel_handled_in]` - dispatched at the end of a channel handle in
* Measurement: `%{duration: native_time}`
* Metadata: `%{event: binary, params: term, socket: Phoenix.Socket.t}`

@type topic :: String.t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -979,31 +893,7 @@ defmodule Phoenix.Endpoint do

@doc """
Instruments the given function using the instrumentation provided by
the given endpoint.
To specify the endpoint that will provide instrumentation, the first argument
can be:
* a module name - the endpoint itself
* a `Plug.Conn` struct - this macro will look for the endpoint module in the
`:private` field of the connection; if it's not there, `fun` will be
executed with no instrumentation
* a `Phoenix.Socket` struct - this macro will look for the endpoint module in the
`:endpoint` field of the socket; if it's not there, `fun` will be
executed with no instrumentation
Usually, users should prefer to instrument events using the `c:instrument/3`
macro defined in every Phoenix endpoint. This macro should only be used for
cases when the endpoint is dynamic and not known at compile time.
## Examples
endpoint = MyApp.Endpoint
Phoenix.Endpoint.instrument endpoint, :render_view, fn -> ... end
@doc false
defmacro instrument(endpoint_or_conn_or_socket, event, runtime \\ Macro.escape(%{}), fun) do
compile = Phoenix.Endpoint.Instrument.strip_caller(__CALLER__) |> Macro.escape()

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/phoenix/endpoint/instrument.ex
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Expand Up @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ defmodule Phoenix.Endpoint.Instrument do
raise ":instrumenters must be a list of instrumenter modules"

events_to_instrumenters([Phoenix.Logger | instrumenters])

# Strips a `Macro.Env` struct, leaving only interesting compile-time metadata.
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19 changes: 11 additions & 8 deletions lib/phoenix/endpoint/render_errors.ex
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Expand Up @@ -66,17 +66,20 @@ defmodule Phoenix.Endpoint.RenderErrors do

defp instrument_render_and_send(conn, kind, reason, stack, opts) do
level = Keyword.get(opts, :log_level, :debug)
level = Keyword.get(opts, :log, :debug)
status = status(kind, reason)
conn = error_conn(conn, kind, reason)
metadata = %{status: status, conn: conn, kind: kind, reason: reason, stacktrace: stack, log_level: level}
start = System.monotonic_time()
metadata = %{status: status, kind: kind, reason: reason, stacktrace: stack, log: level}

conn =
Phoenix.Endpoint.instrument(conn, :phoenix_error_render, metadata, fn ->
render(conn, status, kind, reason, stack, opts)

try do
|> render(status, kind, reason, stack, opts)
|> send_resp()
duration = System.monotonic_time() - start
:telemetry.execute([:phoenix, :error_rendered], %{duration: duration}, metadata)

defp error_conn(_conn, :error, %NoRouteError{conn: conn}), do: conn
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