Simple Log Facade for Swift serves as a simple facade for logging frameworks allowing the end user to plug in the desired logging framework at deployment time
let myLogger = SLF4Swift.getLogger("loggerName")"my info message")
myLogger.log(.Error, "my error message")
Not already chosen a logging framework? Don't want to be tied to a specific framework and want to switch (or even combine) easily? Why not uing a logging facade?
A Simple Logging Facade
- make your framework or any part of your codes no dependent to a specific logging frameworks ie. reduce the coupling between an application and any particular logging framework
- allow to log of course with a common interface, avoiding the use of
or commented debugging print code - allow the end user capture the logs and print using his chosen logging frameworks
Getting the default one
let myLogger = SLF4Swift.defaultLogger
Get logger using a key or create if not exist
let myLogger = SLF4Swift.createLogger("loggerKey")
Or just get it - here logger could be nil if not already created
if let myLogger = SLF4Swift.getLogger("loggerKey") {..}
A key could be a framework name, a class name, a topic name, ....
If you use a key into a framework, create a public
constant to allow the end user to decide according to this key what to do with your logs (see Custom factories and loggers)
myLogger.log(.Error, "my error message") // basic method
// and some shortcut"my info message")
myLogger.warn("my warn message")
// if message compute in a long period of time
if myLogger.isLoggable(.Verbose) {
myLogger.log(.Verbose, createLongMessageClosure())
if myLogger.exec(.Verbose) { // or with closure
myLogger.log(.Verbose, createLongMessageClosure())
There is also macro functions for default logger
SLFLogInfo("info message")
SLFLog(.Verbose, "verbose message")
By declaring typealias Log = SLFLogLevel
you can also use default logger like this
Log.Info.message("info message")
Log.Verbose.message("verbose message")
Log.Verbose.trace()// print file, function and line
By default is installed a NullLoggerFactory
, which disable all logs
To enable log, set your LogFactoryType
or add DEBUG
to "Other Swift Flags" into "Swift Compiler - Custom Flags" section
this add by default a SLFLoggerFactory
, which use by default print()
Some backend factories are already implemented into backend folder (see setup for pod)
You can your create your own LogFactoryType
and/or LoggerType
- then return a logger according to the logger key used by one framework or any part of code
class MyCustomLoggerFactory: ProxyLoggerFactory {
func getLogger(name: LoggerKeyType) -> LoggerType? {
if name == AFrameWorkKey {
return NullLogger.instance // deactive log for specifc logger
else if name == AnOtherFrameWorkKey {
var logger = super.getLogger(name)
logger.level = .DEBUG // set a specific log level
return logger
return super.getLogger(name)
To create a custom LogFactoryType
if your factory use only one loggerProxyLoggerFactory
if your want to use an another factory and make some adaptationsSLFLoggerFactory
and overridedoCreateLogger
, if you want to store logger into aDictionnary
by key
Some basic loggers are already implemented into implementation folder (log to a file, using nslog, ...)
Don't hesitate to fork this repository and PR additionnal LogFactoryType
for your logging framework
Using cocoapods
Add pod 'SLF4Swift'
to your Podfile
and run pod install
Add use_frameworks!
to the end of the Podfile
pod 'SLF4Swift/CocoaLumberjack'
pod 'SLF4Swift/XCGLogger'
pod 'SLF4Swift/SpeedLog'
pod 'SLF4Swift/Loggerithm'
In podspec
s.dependency 'SLF4Swift'
Add pod 'SLF4Swift/Impl'
to your Podfile
- Drag the.xcodeproj file to your project/workspace or open it to compile it
- Add the framework to your project
- Protocol or protocol implentations do not allow to give default value for functions parameters, caller context cannot be passed to log message (
). If there is a way, I am interested to learn it
The MIT License (MIT), see LICENSE file