Solve the minimum latency problem (MLP) with graph neural networks + RL. Group work by
For training MLP instances with 5 nodes and using rollout as REINFORCE baseline:
cd attention_learn_to_route
python --graph_size 5 --baseline rollout --run_name 'mlp_5_rollout' --problem 'mlp'
To generate validation or test data for MLP (by default to 'data' directory and for graph sizes [20, 50, 100]):
python generate --problem mlp --name test --seed 1234
To evaluate model on dataset and save results (by default to 'results' directory):
# Greedy decoding
python data/mlp/mlp20_test_seed1234.pkl --model outputs/mlp_20/mlp_20_rollout_20211112T120056/ --decode_strategy greedy
#Sampling-based decoding with 1280 solutions sampled
python data/mlp/mlp20_test_seed1234.pkl --model outputs/mlp_20/mlp_20_rollout_20211112T120056/ --decode_strategy sample --width 1280 --eval_batch_size 1
To run gils-rvnd baseline, we have provided a compiled binary on Linux and a script to evaluate the results for all instances.
This repo is based on the attention learning-to-route repo.
[1] W. Kool, H. van Hoof, and M. Welling, “Attention, learn to solve routing problems!” 2019
The GILS-RVND implementation is based on the mlp repo