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Peppol Reporting support library. Peppol Reporting is the process of collecting, aggregating and transmitting Peppol Reports to OpenPeppol.

This library supports the following reports:

This library does not deal with the transmission of Reports. That needs to be done with phase4 or another AS4 solution. See the phase4 Wiki for detailed guidance on integration with this project.

This library requires Java 11 and Maven to build.

How to use it

This library offers a Java domain model for EUSR and TSR reports.

Note: phase4 v2.2.2 and onwards has direct support for this project.

Overview images

Data collection on sending

Data collection on receiving

Report creation and transmission

Data collection

Data collection needs to happen into your Access Point instances.

The data for reporting needs to be collected in instances of class PeppolReportingItem. For each sent or received Peppol transmission, such a PeppolReportingItem needs to be collected, and persisted.

Each PeppolReportingItem consists of the following elements:

  • OffsetDateTime m_aExchangeDTUTC - timing of the exchange in UTC; for TSR and EUSR
  • EReportingDirection m_eDirection - direction of the exchange; for TSR and EUSR
  • String m_sC2ID - Peppol Seat ID of C2; for TSR only
  • String m_sC3ID - Peppol Seat ID of C3; for TSR only
  • String m_sDocTypeIDScheme and String m_sDocTypeIDValue - Document Type ID of the exchange; for TSR and EUSR
  • String m_sProcessIDScheme and String m_sProcessIDValue - Process ID of the exchange; for TSR and EUSR
  • String m_sTransportProtocol - the transport protocol used; for TSR only
  • String m_sC1CountryCode - the country code of C1; for TSR and EUSR
  • String m_sC4CountryCode - the country code of C4 - only required for received messages; for TSR and EUSR
  • String m_sEndUserID - the end user ID to aggregate on - this ID is not part of any report; for EUSR only

To facilitate this collection, the submodule peppol-reporting-api exists.

Data storage

The created reporting item must be stored somewhere, to be able to retrieve them later.

This project comes with different backends for storing PeppolReportingItem objects, each in a separate submodule. Each submodule is described below.

To choose a submodule, it needs to be added as a Maven dependency. The main logic is loaded via SPI. Please make sure to only use one submodule at a time - storing to multiple backends is currently not supported out of the box.

Alternatively you can implement your own Reporting backend implementation, by implementing the SPI interface com.helper.peppol.reporting.api.backend.IPeppolReportingBackendSPI defined in the peppol-reporting-api submodule.

Storage in MongoDB

Submodule peppol-reporting-backend-mongodb stores data in a MongoDB. This submodule was introduced in version 2.1.0.

It creates one collection called: reporting-items

It supports the following configuration properties:

  • peppol.reporting.mongodb.connectionstring: the connection string to use to connect to MongoDB
  • peppol.reporting.mongodb.dbname: the MongoDB database name to use
  • peppol.reporting.mongodb.collection (since v2.2.1): the MongoDB collection name to use. Defaults to reporting-items.

Storage in Redis

Submodule peppol-reporting-backend-redis stores data in Redis. Make sure you use persistent storage for this one. This submodule was introduced in version 2.1.0.

The used Redis keys are:

  • peppol:reporting:itemidx - counter for unique IDs
  • peppol:reporting:item:* - represents a single reporting item hash map
  • peppol:reporting:* - contains a list of reporting item keys of a single day

It supports the following configuration properties:

  • the Redis host to connect to
  • peppol.reporting.redis.port: the Redis port to connect to
  • peppol.reporting.redis.user (since v2.2.3; optional): the username used to connect to the Redis server
  • peppol.reporting.redis.password (since v2.2.3; optional): the password used to connect to the Redis server

Storage in CSV file

Submodule peppol-reporting-backend-csv stores data in a CSV file. This submodule was introduced in version 2.2.4.

It supports the following configuration properties:

  • peppol.reporting.csv.filename: the CSV filename to store the entries in
  • peppol.reporting.csv.separator-char (optional): the CSV cell separator character to use. The default is ,
  • peppol.reporting.csv.quote-char (optional): the CSV quote character to use. The default is "
  • peppol.reporting.csv.escape-char (optional): the CSV escape character to use. The default is \

Storage in SQL databases

Submodule peppol-reporting-backend-sql stores data in relational databases. This submodule was introduced in version 3.0.1.

It supports the following configuration properties:

  • peppol.reporting.jdbc.database-type: the SQL database type to operate on. Currently supported are postgresql and mysql. The value is case-insensitive.
  • peppol.reporting.jdbc.driver: contains the fully qualified class name of the JDBC driver to be used. E.g. org.postgresql.Driver for PostgreSQL or com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver for MySQL
  • peppol.reporting.jdbc.url: contains the full JDBC connection URL to connect to the database
  • peppol.reporting.jdbc.user (optional): the database username to use
  • peppol.reporting.jdbc.password (optional): the database password to use
  • peppol.reporting.jdbc.schema (optional): the database schema to use
  • peppol.reporting.jdbc.execution-time-warning.enabled (optional): if true enables warning logging if an SQL command takes too long to execute. Defaults to true.
  • (optional): the number of milliseconds after the which an SQL execution will trigger an execution time warning. Defaults to 1000 which is one second.
  • peppol.reporting.jdbc.debug.connections (optional): if true enables logging of SQL connection handling. Defaults to false.
  • peppol.reporting.jdbc.debug.transactions (optional): if true enables logging of SQL transactions. Defaults to false.
  • peppol.reporting.jdbc.debug.sql (optional): if true enables logging of SQL statements. Defaults to false.

Database change management is done with the Open Source version of Flyway. All the Flyway DDL scripts are available in the folder

It can be configured as followed:

  • peppol.reporting.flyway.enabled: true if Flyway should be enabled, false if not. Defaults to true.
  • peppol.reporting.flyway.jdbc.url (optional): allows a specific JDBC URL for usage with Flyway. If none is provided, the value of peppol.reporting.jdbc.url is used instead.
  • peppol.reporting.flyway.jdbc.user (optional): allows a specific JDBC username for usage with Flyway. If none is provided, the value of peppol.reporting.jdbc.user is used instead.
  • peppol.reporting.flyway.jdbc.password (optional): allows a specific JDBC password for usage with Flyway. If none is provided, the value of peppol.reporting.jdbc.password is used instead.
  • peppol.reporting.flyway.jdbc.schema-create (optional): true if the DB schema as defined in peppol.reporting.jdbc.schema should be automatically created by Flyway. Defaults to false.
  • peppol.reporting.flyway.baseline.version (optional): the Flyway baseline version to use. Defaults to 0.

By default it is not bound to any specific DB engine, so you need to provide the necessary driver dependency manually. PostgreSQL:




Storage in memory

Submodule peppol-reporting-backend-inmemory stores data in memory only and is not persistent. This submodule was introduced in version 2.1.1.

This module is mainly meant for testing purposes.

Data aggregation

To aggregate data for a single Reporting Period, all the matching PeppolReportingItem objects need to be collected first. All the matching items need to be fed into the respective report builder.

Via the builder EndUserStatisticsReport.builder (), the report of type EndUserStatisticsReportType can be created.

Via the builder TransactionStatisticsReport.builder (), the report of type TransactionStatisticsReportType can be created.

Report XML Serialization

The JAXB generated domain model classes reside in the packages com.helger.peppol.reporting.jaxb.eusr.v110 and com.helger.peppol.reporting.jaxb.tsr.v101. This domain model can be read from and written to XML documents via the marshaller classes EndUserStatisticsReport110Marshaller and TransactionStatisticsReport101Marshaller.

Report Validation

Additionally, the Schematron compatibility can be verified using the classes EndUserStatisticsReportValidator and TransactionStatisticsReportValidator. All checks are performed against the default Schematrons provided by OpenPeppol.


  • EUSR - End User Statistics Report
  • TSR - Transaction Statistics Report
  • Report - Document containing OpenPeppol reporting information
  • Reporting - The process of transmitting a Report to OpenPeppol
  • Reporting Period - The period for which reporting data is to be collected and transmitted to OpenPeppol

Maven usage

Add the following to your pom.xml to use this artifact, replacing x.y.z with the real version:


Usage as Maven BOM:


Note: all v1.x releases used the group ID com.helger only.

News and Noteworthy

  • v3.0.3 - 2024-11-27
    • Calling the PeppolReportingHelper.isDocumentTypeEligableForReporting method in all backends to avoid the need for outside filtering
  • v3.0.2 - 2024-10-31
    • Added new method PeppolReportingBackend.setBackendService(IPeppolReportingBackendSPI) to explicitly set the backend
    • Added missing write locking in CSV backend
  • v3.0.1 - 2024-08-12
    • Added new submodule peppol-reporting-backend-sql to support PostgreSQL and MySQL
  • v3.0.0 - 2024-06-28
    • Extracted peppol-reporting-datatypes submodule
    • Extracted peppol-reporting-testfiles submodule
    • Changed the Java package names from com.helper.* to com.helger.* - LOL
  • v2.2.5 - 2024-03-29
    • Updated to ph-commons 11.1.5
    • Ensured Java 21 compatibility
  • v2.2.4 - 2024-03-21
    • Added new submodule peppol-reporting-backend-csv that uses a CSV file as the backend to store reporting items
  • v2.2.3 - 2024-03-05
    • Added the possibility to provide username and password via configuration for the Redis backend. See PR #13 - thx @TaKO8Ki
  • v2.2.2 - 2024-01-29
    • Moved the method PeppolReportingItem.isValidCountryCode(String) to class PeppolReportingHelper
    • Added a constant CPeppolReporting.REPLACEMENT_COUNTRY_CODE for the ZZ code for invalid incoming country codes
    • Added a constant CPeppolReporting.OPENPEPPOL_PARTICIPANT_ID for the default receiver PID
  • v2.2.1 - 2023-12-31
    • Made the collection name customizable in the MongoDB backend
    • Fixed an error in iterating in the "in-memory" backend when only entries from the last day of the period are present
  • v2.2.0 - 2023-12-07
    • Modified classes EUSRReportingItemList and TSRReportingItemList so that the list is only iterated once and is based on Iterable. Backwards incompatible change.
    • Extended class IPeppolReportingBackendSPI with method iterateReportingItems to be able to lazily iterate over a data source. See #2 - thx @iansmirlis
  • v2.1.6 - 2023-11-10
    • Updated EUSR Schematron to v1.1.4
  • v2.1.5 - 2023-11-02
    • Updated EUSR Schematron to v1.1.3 and TSR Schematron to v1.0.4
  • v2.1.4 - 2023-10-12
    • Updated EUSR Schematron to v1.1.2 and TSR Schematron to v1.0.3
  • v2.1.3 - 2023-09-21
    • Updated EUSR Schematron to v1.1.1 and TSR Schematron to v1.0.2
  • v2.1.2 - 2023-09-12
    • Added class PeppolReportingHelper with some generic helper methods
  • v2.1.1 - 2023-09-10
    • Added new submodule peppol-reporting-backend-inmemory that uses memory persistence as the backend to store reporting items
    • Added third party module descriptors
    • Fixed the date time offset when storing to MongoDB
  • v2.1.0 - 2023-09-10
    • Added new API package com.helper.peppol.reporting.api.backend to define a generic backend API
    • Added new submodule peppol-reporting-backend-mongodb that uses MongoDB as the backend to store reporting items
    • Added new submodule peppol-reporting-backend-redis that uses Redis as the backend to store reporting items
  • v2.0.0 - 2023-07-21
    • Changed the Maven Group ID to be com.helger.peppol instead of com.helger
    • Introduced the new submodule peppol-reporting-api
    • Changed some of the package names introduced in v1.2.0 to reflect the submodule name
    • Using Maven Bundle plugin to create OSGI bundles
  • v1.2.0 - 2023-07-20
    • Added data models to easily build End User Statistics Reports v1.1.0 in code
    • Added data models to easily build Transaction Statistics Reports v1.0.1 in code
  • v1.1.0 - 2023-07-02
    • Updated to support EUSR 1.1.0
  • v1.0.0 - 2023-04-26
    • Initial Version
    • Supports EUSR 1.0.0 and TSR 1.0.1

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