This update focused on the coach user experience within the application, including shorter paths and easier to understand actions.
- Updated MDB React Pro from 4.22.1 to 4.24.0 (See MDB React change log for more information)
- Moved react in the peerDependencies and devDependencies to prevent multiple instances of React to be launched upon start of the application
- Removed the outdated New Customer form from the coach dashboard
- Updated react-phone-input-2 css implementation (Change in dependency)
- All coach customer actions can now be opened from a link, which improves the coach workflow alot, once the Anamnesis form of a customer can be shared via a link
- Fixed an error that caused parts of the Beauty Report not to be rendered
- Links to access the beauty report generation has been added to the anamnesis form
- A link to leave the anamnesis form has been added to the bottom of the form
- When generating a beauty report, you can exit to Dashboard, instead of going through the Report list
- The Beauty report list can be opened from the dashboard or beauty report generation
- The language mix has been cleared up
- Countless small improves to help enhance the coach user experience
- Login
- Coach user fetching
- User sync
- Anamnesis fields loading
- Anamnesis data filling if existant
- Anamnesis successfully saved
- Beauty Report List loading if existant
- Beauty Report generation successful
- Anamnesis, Beauty Report List, Beauty Report Generation accessible by link