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JSON-Serverless Cognito Vue Example

More information to json-serverless (

This is a full example that shows how you can extend json-serverless as backend with Cognito for Auth and Vue as Client App.


  • shows how to add cognito as authentication middleware for json-serverless
    • data is only accessible with the idtoken in authorization header
  • shows how to request data via REST from json-serverless
  • shows how to switch between S3 and Local FileAdapter


  1. install

    npm i #installs concurrently (see package.json`s scripts)

    install backend

    cd backend && npm i #installs backend`s node_modules

    install frontend

    cd frontend && npm i #installs frontend`s node_modules


Deploy the backend once in AWS (mind: this works only with your aws credentials)

this is meant to create the Resources mentionend in serverless.yml (CognitoPool + S3Bucket)

  • build the app

    cd backend
    npm run build
  • deploy

    sls deploy
  • configure

    After sucessful deployment please login into AWS Console and configure AWS Cognito settings. Mind: Will be deployed in us-east-1 region (N. Virginia) - see backend/serverless.yml file for more information The Cognito Client Domain needs to be created and used later in the frontend to make a call against.

    • Configure App Client Settings:

    alt text

    • Configure DomainName:

    alt text

Frontend Configuration

  1. Go to file frontend/.env

  2. Alter following configuration parameters

    You can get these settings from the aws console. (


Start and Develop Locally

  • ensure you are in the root directory of the repo

  • start the frontend and backend (via sls offline)

    npm run start

    the frontend supports hot-reload via vue-cli

    for the backend part you need to re-run in case of changes (didn`t implement any reload mechanism).



  1. Open http://localhost:8082
  2. You need to Sign up first in your Cognito App
  3. Validate your account (mail for verification)
  4. You should see a list with items of datagov


  1. Open http://localhost:3000/ui to see the swagger interface

Start with the api in the cloud

  1. Go to file frontend/.env

  2. Alter the configuration parameters

    Adapt variable VUE_APP_JSONSLS_ENDPOINT - use the apigateway endpoint


    how to get the api gateway endpoint ?
    go to the backend and type 'sls info'

  3. Start only the frontend (backend not need)

    cd frontend
    npm run serve

How to add authentication

see backend/handler.ts file

const cognitoExpress = new CognitoExpress({
  region: process.env.region,
  cognitoUserPoolId: process.env.COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID,
  tokenUse: "id",
  tokenExpiration: 3600000,

server.use((req: any, res: any, next: any) => {


  // if httpverb of request is not OPTION and GET and request url startsWith "api" - Authenticate
  // ui and graphql interface are reachable - but no post or modification can be made directly without
  // having headerentry key:authorization: value: idtoken (cognito)
  if (
    req.method !== "OPTIONS" &&
    req.method !== "GET" &&
  ) {
    let accessTokenFromClient = req.headers["authorization"];
    if (!accessTokenFromClient)
      return res.status(401).send("Access Token missing from header");
    cognitoExpress.validate(accessTokenFromClient, function (
      err: any,
      response: any
    ) {
      if (err) return res.status(401).send(err);
      else next();
  } else {


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