from mypydantic import BaseModel, ImmutableModel
from myfastapi import FastAPI
from jsonable_error import ErrorFactory
from fastapi.responses import PlainTextResponse
app = FastAPI()
FORBIDDEN = ErrorFactory('Access denied', http_code = 403)
USER_NOT_FOUND = ErrorFactory('User not found', code = 50, http_code = 404) # Twitter style error responses
class UserOut(BaseModel):
username: str
class UserIn(UserOut):
password: str
def create_user(user: UserIn) -> UserOut:
return UserOut.of(user) # equals to UserOut(**user.dict())
# Equals to
@app.post("/user/", response_model=UserOut)
def create_user(user: UserIn):
return UserOut.of(user)
@app.get('/plain-text/{text}', responses = FORBIDDEN) # generates great documentation, look at the example below
def get_plain_text(text: str) -> PlainTextResponse:
if bad_mood:
return FORBIDDEN.respond()
return PlainTextResponse(content=text, media_type='text/html')
# Equals to
class ErrorBody(ImmutableModel):
message: str
code: int
class ErrorResponse(ImmutableModel):
error: ErrorBody = ErrorBody(message = 'Access denied', code = 403)
response_class = PlainTextResponse,
responses = {403: {'model': ErrorResponse}})
def get_plain_text(text: str):
if bad_mood:
return ORJSONResponse(content={'error': {'message': 'Access denied', 'code': 403}}, status_code = 403)
return PlainTextResponse(content=text, media_type='text/html')
# You can even group it together if they don't have duplicate http codes underneath
@app.get('/', responses = USER_NOT_FOUND | FORBIDDEN)
def index():
if bad_mood:
return FORBIDDEN.respond('NOT T.O.D.A.Y')
if not in_db(user_id):
return USER_NOT_FOUND.respond(f'User with id {user_id} not found')
return {'message': 'Hll wrld!'}