Notify to your slack channel when your project have exceptions
- laravel >= 5.5
Step 1: Required to your project Add your project via composer
composer require phambinh/lara-exception-notifier
If you are using laravel 5.5 or higher, skip this step. Go to step 3
Step 2: Publish vendor
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Phambinh\LaraExceptionNotifier\ServiceProvider
Step 3: Config your channel
Open config/notification.php
, you will see
return [
'exception_notifier' => [
// allow true or false
// true is enable notify when have exception
// false is disable notify
'enable' => true,
// The channel you want to nofity
// Now, support only slack :D
'channel' => ['slack'],
// Your slack web hook
// more information about slack web hook:
'slack_web_hook_url' => ''
Step 4: Emit event
Open app/Exceptions/Handler.php
and go to report
action, change to
// use Phambinh\LaraExceptionNotifier\Events\HasExceptionEvent;
public function report(Exception $exception)
if ($this->shouldReport($exception)) {
event(new HasExceptionEvent($exception));
Sometimes, you use try/catch but you want to know the exception, you can do like this bellow
use Phambinh\LaraExceptionNotifier\Events\HasExceptionEvent;
class MyController extends Controller
public function index()
try {
// your code here
} catch (\Exception $e) {
event(new HasExceptionEvent($e));
Sometimes, you have a exception but the message is not enough to know, you want to know more information about exception. You can use the second parameters of HasExceptionEvent class like example bellow.
use Phambinh\LaraExceptionNotifier\Events\HasExceptionEvent;
use Phambinh\LaraExceptionNotifier\Exceptions\QuietException;
class MyController extends Controller
public function index()
$a = 1;
$b = 0;
try {
$c = $a/$b;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
event(new HasExceptionEvent($e, [
'a' => $a,
'b' => $b,
throw new QuietException($e);
// noti
// throw $e; # Don't use, because you will be received duplicate message
// no throw # The laravel will never log