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Add list-bin command
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This is partial solution to haskell#6807, because we invoke solver.
The follow-up will be to modify Rebuild monad so,
that it can be run without rebuilding (i.e. fail if cache is cold).
  • Loading branch information
phadej committed Jun 29, 2020
1 parent 321f6db commit 21822cd
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Showing 11 changed files with 441 additions and 213 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Cabal/Distribution/Simple/BuildTarget.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ ex_cs =

data ComponentKind = LibKind | FLibKind | ExeKind | TestKind | BenchKind
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded)

componentKind :: ComponentName -> ComponentKind
componentKind (CLibName _) = LibKind
Expand Down
189 changes: 189 additions & 0 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Client/CmdListBin.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Distribution.Client.CmdListBin (
) where

import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
import Prelude ()

import Distribution.Client.DistDirLayout (DistDirLayout (..), ProjectRoot (..))
import Distribution.Client.NixStyleOptions
(NixStyleFlags (..), defaultNixStyleFlags, nixStyleOptions)
import Distribution.Client.ProjectConfig
(ProjectConfig, projectConfigConfigFile, projectConfigShared, withProjectOrGlobalConfig)
import Distribution.Client.ProjectFlags (ProjectFlags (..))
import Distribution.Client.ProjectOrchestration
import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning.Types
import Distribution.Client.Setup (GlobalFlags (..))
import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths (dllExtension, exeExtension)
import Distribution.Simple.Command (CommandUI (..))
import Distribution.Simple.Setup (configVerbosity, fromFlagOrDefault)
import Distribution.Simple.Utils (die', wrapText)
import Distribution.System (Platform)
import Distribution.Verbosity (silent, verboseStderr)
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory)
import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>))

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as IP
import qualified Distribution.Client.SingleCompTargetProblem as SCTP
import qualified Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs as InstallDirs
import qualified Distribution.Solver.Types.ComponentDeps as CD

-- Command

listbinCommand :: CommandUI (NixStyleFlags ())
listbinCommand = CommandUI
{ commandName = "list-bin"
, commandSynopsis = "list path to a single executable."
, commandUsage = \pname ->
"Usage: " ++ pname ++ " list-bin [FLAGS] TARGET\n"
, commandDescription = Just $ \_ -> wrapText
"List path to a build product."
, commandNotes = Nothing
, commandDefaultFlags = defaultNixStyleFlags ()
, commandOptions = nixStyleOptions (const [])

-- Action

listbinAction :: NixStyleFlags () -> [String] -> GlobalFlags -> IO ()
listbinAction flags@NixStyleFlags{..} args globalFlags = do
-- fail early if multiple target selectors specified
target <- case args of
[] -> die' verbosity "One target is required, none provided"
[x] -> return x
_ -> die' verbosity "One target is required, given multiple"

-- configure
(baseCtx, distDirLayout) <- withProjectOrGlobalConfig verbosity ignoreProject globalConfigFlag withProject withoutProject
let localPkgs = localPackages baseCtx

-- elaborate target selectors
targetSelectors <- either (reportTargetSelectorProblems verbosity) return
=<< readTargetSelectors localPkgs Nothing [target]

buildCtx <-
runProjectPreBuildPhase verbosity baseCtx $ \elaboratedPlan -> do
-- Interpret the targets on the command line as build targets
-- (as opposed to say repl or haddock targets).
targets <- either (SCTP.reportTargetProblems verbosity "list-bin") return
$ resolveTargets

-- Reject multiple targets, or at least targets in different
-- components. It is ok to have two module/file targets in the
-- same component, but not two that live in different components.
-- Note that we discard the target and return the whole 'TargetsMap',
-- so this check will be repeated (and must succeed) after
-- the 'runProjectPreBuildPhase'. Keep it in mind when modifying this.
_ <- SCTP.singleComponentOrElse componentKindsListBin
[SCTP.multipleTargetsProblem targets])

let elaboratedPlan' = pruneInstallPlanToTargets
return (elaboratedPlan', targets)

(selectedUnitId, _selectedComponent) <-
-- Slight duplication with 'runProjectPreBuildPhase'.
SCTP.singleComponentOrElse componentKindsListBin
(die' verbosity $ "No or multiple targets given, but the run "
++ "phase has been reached. This is a bug.")
$ targetsMap buildCtx

printPlan verbosity baseCtx buildCtx

binfiles <- case Map.lookup selectedUnitId $ IP.toMap (elaboratedPlanOriginal buildCtx) of
Nothing -> die' verbosity "No or multiple targets given..."
Just gpp -> return $ IP.foldPlanPackage
(const []) -- IPI don't have executables
(elaboratedPackage distDirLayout (elaboratedShared buildCtx))

case binfiles of
[exe] -> putStrLn exe
_ -> die' verbosity "No or multiple targets given"
defaultVerbosity = verboseStderr silent
verbosity = fromFlagOrDefault defaultVerbosity (configVerbosity configFlags)
ignoreProject = flagIgnoreProject projectFlags
prjConfig = commandLineFlagsToProjectConfig globalFlags flags mempty -- ClientInstallFlags, not needed here
globalConfigFlag = projectConfigConfigFile (projectConfigShared prjConfig)

withProject :: IO (ProjectBaseContext, DistDirLayout)
withProject = do
baseCtx <- establishProjectBaseContext verbosity prjConfig OtherCommand
return (baseCtx, distDirLayout baseCtx)

withoutProject :: ProjectConfig -> IO (ProjectBaseContext, DistDirLayout)
withoutProject config = do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
baseCtx <- establishProjectBaseContextWithRoot verbosity (config <> prjConfig) (ProjectRootImplicit cwd) OtherCommand
return (baseCtx, distDirLayout baseCtx)

-- this is copied from
:: DistDirLayout
-> ElaboratedSharedConfig
-> ElaboratedConfiguredPackage
-> [FilePath]
elaboratedPackage distDirLayout elaboratedSharedConfig elab = case elabPkgOrComp elab of
ElabPackage pkg ->
[ bin
| (c, _) <- CD.toList $ (pkgLibDependencies pkg)
(pkgExeDependencies pkg)
, bin <- bin_file c
ElabComponent comp -> bin_file (compSolverName comp)
dist_dir = distBuildDirectory distDirLayout (elabDistDirParams elaboratedSharedConfig elab)

bin_file c = case c of
CD.ComponentExe s -> [bin_file' s]
CD.ComponentTest s -> [bin_file' s]
CD.ComponentBench s -> [bin_file' s]
CD.ComponentFLib s -> [flib_file' s]
_ -> []

plat :: Platform
plat = pkgConfigPlatform elaboratedSharedConfig

bin_file' s =
if elabBuildStyle elab == BuildInplaceOnly
then dist_dir </> "build" </> prettyShow s </> prettyShow s <.> exeExtension plat
else InstallDirs.bindir (elabInstallDirs elab) </> prettyShow s <.> exeExtension plat

flib_file' s =
if elabBuildStyle elab == BuildInplaceOnly
then dist_dir </> "build" </> prettyShow s </> ("lib" ++ prettyShow s) <.> dllExtension plat
else InstallDirs.bindir (elabInstallDirs elab) </> ("lib" ++ prettyShow s) <.> dllExtension plat

-- | Component kinds we can list-bin
componentKindsListBin :: [ComponentKind]
componentKindsListBin = [ExeKind, TestKind, BenchKind, FLibKind]

selectPackageTargets :: TargetSelector -> [AvailableTarget k] -> Either SCTP.SingleCompTargetProblem [k]
selectPackageTargets = SCTP.selectPackageTargets componentKindsListBin

selectComponentTarget :: SubComponentTarget -> AvailableTarget k -> Either SCTP.SingleCompTargetProblem k
selectComponentTarget = SCTP.selectComponentTarget componentKindsListBin

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