biohansel v2.2.0
- Adds ‘#N/A’ to the subtype column if no k-mers are found (#69)
- New QC check for missing nested k-mers leading to the final subtype call (#88)
- ex. all subtypes is 2, 2.2.2,, QC will return that you are missing subtype 2.2
- New Feature: Degenerate Base Expansion for scheme k-mers using the IUPAC degenerate bases (#60)
- ex. DAR = [‘AAA’, ‘AAG’, ‘GAA’, ‘GAG’, ‘TAA’, ‘TAG’]
- New Schemes:
- Typhi
- Typhimurium
- Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
- Fixes:
- Changed all mentions of ‘tile’ to ‘kmer’
- Update enteritidis scheme to 1.0.7
- Match positive k-mers first (#77)