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Add an option (on by default) to strip audio files #67

Add an option (on by default) to strip audio files

Add an option (on by default) to strip audio files #67

Workflow file for this run

name: kepubify
on: [push, pull_request]
name: test - Go ${{matrix.go}}${{fromJSON(format('["", " - {0}"]', matrix.tags))[matrix.tags != '']}}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
image: golang:${{matrix.go}}-alpine3.13
- 1.16
- 1.17
- ""
- {go: 1.16, tags: zip117}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Tools
run: apk update && apk add --no-cache wine freetype libpng gcc libc-dev
- name: Build
run: go build${{fromJSON(format('["", " -tags {0}"]', matrix.tags))[matrix.tags != '']}} -v ./...
- name: Test (kepub)
run: go test${{fromJSON(format('["", " -tags {0}"]', matrix.tags))[matrix.tags != '']}} -v -cover ./kepub
- name: Test (kepubify)
run: go test${{fromJSON(format('["", " -tags {0}"]', matrix.tags))[matrix.tags != '']}} -v -cover ./cmd/kepubify
- name: Test - Wine (kepub)
WINEPREFIX: /tmp/wine
GOOS: windows
run: go test${{fromJSON(format('["", " -tags {0}"]', matrix.tags))[matrix.tags != '']}} -v -cover -exec wine64 ./kepub
- name: Test - Wine (kepubify)
WINEPREFIX: /tmp/wine
GOOS: windows
run: go test${{fromJSON(format('["", " -tags {0}"]', matrix.tags))[matrix.tags != '']}} -v -cover -exec wine64 ./cmd/kepubify
- name: Benchmark (kepub)
run: go test${{fromJSON(format('["", " -tags {0}"]', matrix.tags))[matrix.tags != '']}} -bench=. -benchmem ./kepub
- name: Run (kepubify)
run: go run${{fromJSON(format('["", " -tags {0}"]', matrix.tags))[matrix.tags != '']}} ./cmd/kepubify --help
- name: Run (covergen)
run: go run${{fromJSON(format('["", " -tags {0}"]', matrix.tags))[matrix.tags != '']}} ./cmd/covergen --help
- name: Run (seriesmeta)
run: go run${{fromJSON(format('["", " -tags {0}"]', matrix.tags))[matrix.tags != '']}} ./cmd/seriesmeta --help
name: build
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- test
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Version
id: version
run: |
if [[ "${GITHUB_REF}" == "refs/tags/"* ]]; then
echo ::set-output name=version::${GITHUB_REF#refs/tags/}
echo ::set-output name=version::${GITHUB_SHA:0:7}
- name: Build
run: |
echo "kepubify ${{steps.version.outputs.version}}"
mkdir build
- {name: Build - kepubify-linux-64bit,
uses: "docker://golang:1.17-alpine", with: {entrypoint: go, args: "build -v -ldflags \"-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}\" -trimpath -o ./build/kepubify-linux-64bit ./cmd/kepubify"}, env: {CGO_ENABLED: 0, GOOS: linux, GOARCH: amd64}}
- {name: Build - kepubify-linux-32bit,
uses: "docker://golang:1.17-alpine", with: {entrypoint: go, args: "build -v -ldflags \"-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}\" -trimpath -o ./build/kepubify-linux-32bit ./cmd/kepubify"}, env: {CGO_ENABLED: 0, GOOS: linux, GOARCH: 386}}
- {name: Build - kepubify-linux-arm,
uses: "docker://golang:1.17-alpine", with: {entrypoint: go, args: "build -v -ldflags \"-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}\" -trimpath -o ./build/kepubify-linux-arm ./cmd/kepubify"}, env: {CGO_ENABLED: 0, GOOS: linux, GOARCH: arm, GOARM: 7}}
- {name: Build - kepubify-linux-armv6,
uses: "docker://golang:1.17-alpine", with: {entrypoint: go, args: "build -v -ldflags \"-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}\" -trimpath -o ./build/kepubify-linux-armv6 ./cmd/kepubify"}, env: {CGO_ENABLED: 0, GOOS: linux, GOARCH: arm, GOARM: 6}}
- {name: Build - kepubify-linux-arm64,
uses: "docker://golang:1.17-alpine", with: {entrypoint: go, args: "build -v -ldflags \"-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}\" -trimpath -o ./build/kepubify-linux-arm64 ./cmd/kepubify"}, env: {CGO_ENABLED: 0, GOOS: linux, GOARCH: arm64}}
- {name: Build - kepubify-darwin-64bit,
uses: "docker://golang:1.16-alpine", with: {entrypoint: go, args: "build -tags zip117 -v -ldflags \"-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}\" -trimpath -o ./build/kepubify-darwin-64bit ./cmd/kepubify"}, env: {CGO_ENABLED: 0, GOOS: darwin, GOARCH: amd64}}
- {name: Build - kepubify-darwin-arm64,
uses: "docker://golang:1.16-alpine", with: {entrypoint: go, args: "build -tags zip117 -v -ldflags \"-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}\" -trimpath -o ./build/kepubify-darwin-arm64 ./cmd/kepubify"}, env: {CGO_ENABLED: 0, GOOS: darwin, GOARCH: arm64}}
- {name: Build - kepubify-windows-64bit.exe,
uses: "docker://golang:1.17-alpine", with: {entrypoint: go, args: "build -v -ldflags \"-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}\" -trimpath -o ./build/kepubify-windows-64bit.exe ./cmd/kepubify"}, env: {CGO_ENABLED: 0, GOOS: windows, GOARCH: amd64}}
- {name: Build - kepubify-windows-32bit.exe,
uses: "docker://golang:1.17-alpine", with: {entrypoint: go, args: "build -v -ldflags \"-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}\" -trimpath -o ./build/kepubify-windows-32bit.exe ./cmd/kepubify"}, env: {CGO_ENABLED: 0, GOOS: windows, GOARCH: 386}}
- {name: Build - kepubify-windows-arm64.exe,
uses: "docker://golang:1.17-alpine", with: {entrypoint: go, args: "build -v -ldflags \"-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}\" -trimpath -o ./build/kepubify-windows-arm64.exe ./cmd/kepubify"}, env: {CGO_ENABLED: 0, GOOS: windows, GOARCH: arm64}}
- {name: Build - covergen-linux-64bit,
uses: "docker://golang:1.17-alpine", with: {entrypoint: go, args: "build -v -ldflags \"-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}\" -trimpath -o ./build/covergen-linux-64bit ./cmd/covergen"}, env: {CGO_ENABLED: 0, GOOS: linux, GOARCH: amd64}}
- {name: Build - covergen-linux-32bit,
uses: "docker://golang:1.17-alpine", with: {entrypoint: go, args: "build -v -ldflags \"-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}\" -trimpath -o ./build/covergen-linux-32bit ./cmd/covergen"}, env: {CGO_ENABLED: 0, GOOS: linux, GOARCH: 386}}
- {name: Build - covergen-linux-arm,
uses: "docker://golang:1.17-alpine", with: {entrypoint: go, args: "build -v -ldflags \"-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}\" -trimpath -o ./build/covergen-linux-arm ./cmd/covergen"}, env: {CGO_ENABLED: 0, GOOS: linux, GOARCH: arm, GOARM: 7}}
- {name: Build - covergen-linux-armv6,
uses: "docker://golang:1.17-alpine", with: {entrypoint: go, args: "build -v -ldflags \"-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}\" -trimpath -o ./build/covergen-linux-armv6 ./cmd/covergen"}, env: {CGO_ENABLED: 0, GOOS: linux, GOARCH: arm, GOARM: 6}}
- {name: Build - covergen-linux-arm64,
uses: "docker://golang:1.17-alpine", with: {entrypoint: go, args: "build -v -ldflags \"-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}\" -trimpath -o ./build/covergen-linux-arm64 ./cmd/covergen"}, env: {CGO_ENABLED: 0, GOOS: linux, GOARCH: arm64}}
- {name: Build - covergen-darwin-64bit,
uses: "docker://golang:1.16-alpine", with: {entrypoint: go, args: "build -v -ldflags \"-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}\" -trimpath -o ./build/covergen-darwin-64bit ./cmd/covergen"}, env: {CGO_ENABLED: 0, GOOS: darwin, GOARCH: amd64}}
- {name: Build - covergen-darwin-arm64,
uses: "docker://golang:1.16-alpine", with: {entrypoint: go, args: "build -v -ldflags \"-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}\" -trimpath -o ./build/covergen-darwin-arm64 ./cmd/covergen"}, env: {CGO_ENABLED: 0, GOOS: darwin, GOARCH: arm64}}
- {name: Build - covergen-windows-64bit.exe,
uses: "docker://golang:1.17-alpine", with: {entrypoint: go, args: "build -v -ldflags \"-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}\" -trimpath -o ./build/covergen-windows-64bit.exe ./cmd/covergen"}, env: {CGO_ENABLED: 0, GOOS: windows, GOARCH: amd64}}
- {name: Build - covergen-windows-32bit.exe,
uses: "docker://golang:1.17-alpine", with: {entrypoint: go, args: "build -v -ldflags \"-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}\" -trimpath -o ./build/covergen-windows-32bit.exe ./cmd/covergen"}, env: {CGO_ENABLED: 0, GOOS: windows, GOARCH: 386}}
- {name: Build - covergen-windows-arm64.exe,
uses: "docker://golang:1.17-alpine", with: {entrypoint: go, args: "build -v -ldflags \"-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}\" -trimpath -o ./build/covergen-windows-arm64.exe ./cmd/covergen"}, env: {CGO_ENABLED: 0, GOOS: windows, GOARCH: arm64}}
- {name: Build - seriesmeta-linux-64bit,
uses: "docker://", with: {entrypoint: /crossbuild,
args: "--platforms linux/amd64 --build-cmd \"CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -v -ldflags '-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}' -trimpath -o ./build/seriesmeta-linux-64bit ./cmd/seriesmeta\""}}
- {name: Build - seriesmeta-linux-arm,
uses: "docker://", with: {entrypoint: /crossbuild,
args: "--platforms linux/armv7 --build-cmd \"CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -v -ldflags '-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}' -trimpath -o ./build/seriesmeta-linux-arm ./cmd/seriesmeta\""}}
- {name: Build - seriesmeta-linux-arm64,
uses: "docker://", with: {entrypoint: /crossbuild,
args: "--platforms linux/arm64 --build-cmd \"CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -v -ldflags '-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}' -trimpath -o ./build/seriesmeta-linux-arm64 ./cmd/seriesmeta\""}}
- {name: Build - seriesmeta-darwin-64bit,
uses: "docker://", with: {entrypoint: /crossbuild,
args: "--platforms darwin/amd64 --build-cmd \"CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -v -ldflags '-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}' -trimpath -o ./build/seriesmeta-darwin-64bit ./cmd/seriesmeta\""}}
- {name: Build - seriesmeta-windows-64bit.exe,
uses: "docker://", with: {entrypoint: /crossbuild,
args: "--platforms windows/amd64 --build-cmd \"CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -v -ldflags '-s -w -X main.version=${{steps.version.outputs.version}}' -trimpath -o ./build/seriesmeta-windows-64bit.exe ./cmd/seriesmeta\""}}
- name: List
run: |
cd build
ls -lah
file *
- name: Upload
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: Build
path: build
- name: Release
if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/v')
run: |
gh release create --draft --title $VER $VER build/*
GH_TOKEN: ${{secrets.GH_TOKEN}}
VER: ${{steps.version.outputs.version}}