Wikipedia CLI in bash
Program: shwiki 1.0.3 by [email protected]
Updated: Apr 24 23:47:08 2022
Description: Wikipedia CLI in bash
Usage: shwiki [-h] [-q] [-v] [-c] [-f] [-l <log_dir>] [-t <tmp_dir>] [-w <width>] [-p <paragraphs>] [-s <sentences>] <action> <input?>
Flags, options and parameters:
-h|--help : [flag] show usage [default: off]
-q|--quiet : [flag] no output [default: off]
-v|--verbose : [flag] output more [default: off]
-c|--cleanup : [flag] cleanup Wikipedia text [default: off]
-f|--force : [flag] do not ask for confirmation (always yes) [default: off]
-l|--log_dir <?> : [option] folder for log files [default: /Users/pforret/log/shwiki]
-t|--tmp_dir <?> : [option] folder for temp files [default: /Users/pforret/Code/Github/shwiki/.tmp]
-w|--width <?> : [option] max line width [default: 100]
-p|--paragraphs <?>: [option] stop after N paragraphs [default: 1]
-s|--sentences <?>: [option] stop after N sentences [default: 10]
<action> : [choice] action to perform [options: search,action2,check,env,update]
<input> : [parameter] search term (optional)
> shwiki search London
# get Wikipedia information about London
> shwiki -p 2 -s 10 -c search London
# get Wikipedia information about London, max 2 paragraphs, max 10 sentences, and clean up the text
with basher
$ basher install pforret/shwiki
or with git
$ git clone
$ cd shwiki
- script created with bashew
© 2022 Peter Forret