Jenkins shared library for continuous integration with LabVIEW and G-CLI. Includes scripts for static tests (VI Analyzer), unit tests (JKI Caraya), and app builds (executable/installer). Created using LabVIEW 2020 64 bit
👷 The library in its current state is non-functional and serves as example code only 🚧.
Loading this library in a Jenkinsfile:
@Library(['']) _
import com.labviewbuilder
VI Analyzer (requires LabVIEW PRO license) is used to run static code tests using GCLI.
Unit Tests are built using the JKI Caraya unit tests framework and run using GCLI.
LabVIEW Application Builder (requires PRO license) is used to build applications and installers using GCLI.
- LabVIEW 2020 Professional
- JKI Caraya
- VI Analyzer toolkit
stage ('Initialize LabVIEW IDE') {
steps {
// Clear the compile cache and kill LabVIEW
retry(2) {
echo 'Clearing compile cache'
pwsh "${STEPS}\\ClearCompileCache.ps1 -Timeout 180"
} // Initialize LabVIEW IDE
stage ('Build LabVIEW Application') {
steps {
echo 'Applying Source package configuration'
pwsh "${STEPS}\\ApplyVIPC.ps1 -Timeout 360 -VIPCPath '${SOURCE}\\App\\vipkg.vipc'"
pwsh "${STEPS}\\SetAppName.ps1 -Value ${APPNAME}"
pwsh "${STEPS}\\SetAppVersion.ps1 -Value ${LATEST_TAG}"
pwsh "${STEPS}\\SetCommitSHA.ps1 -Value ${COMMIT_SHA}"
echo 'Building Orion'
// Optionally set EnableDebugging and WaitForDebugger variables based on context (release, prerelease etc.)
pwsh "${STEPS}\\Build.ps1 -ProjectPath ${LVPROJ} -BuildSpec ${BUILDSPEC} -DestinationDir ${BUILD_DIR}\\${BUILDSPEC} -VersionString ${LATEST_TAG}"
} // Build LabVIEW Application
stage ('Build LabVIEW Application Installer') {
steps {
echo 'Building Orion Installer'
pwsh "${STEPS}\\Build.ps1 -ProjectPath ${LVPROJ} -BuildSpec ${INSTALLERSPEC} -DestinationDir ${BUILD_DIR} -VersionString ${LATEST_TAG}"
} // Build LabVIEW Application Installer