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Distilled Feature Fields

This is a simpler and faster demo codebase of distilled feature fields (DFFs) (Kobayashi et al. NeurIPS 2022). Note that this does not contain the comprehensive scripts for all the experiments.




# assume cuda 11.1
pip install torch==1.10.2+cu111 torchvision==0.11.3+cu111 --extra-index-url --no-cache-dir
pip install torch-scatter -f

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install git+
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd apex && pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./ && cd ..
pip install models/csrc/

(Download a sample dataset or see With New Scene section below.)


  • --root_dir is the dataset of images with poses.
  • --feature_directory is the dataset of feature maps for distillation. --feature_dim matches the dimension of them.
python --root_dir sample_dataset --dataset_name colmap --exp_name exp_v1 --downsample 0.25 --num_epochs 4 --batch_size 4096 --scale 4.0 --ray_sampling_strategy same_image --feature_dim 512 --random_bg --feature_directory sample_dataset/rgb_feature_langseg


  • --clipnerf_text rainbow_apple optimizes the scene to rainbow apple
  • --clipnerf_filter_text apple banana vegetable floor removes rays of banana, vegetable, and floor from optimization, and optimizes rays of apple only
  • Set --weight_path with the checkpoint above.
python --root_dir sample_dataset --dataset_name colmap --exp_name exp_v1_clip --downsample 0.25 --num_epochs 1 --batch_size 4096 --scale 4.0 --ray_sampling_strategy same_image --feature_dim 512 --random_bg --clipnerf_text rainbow_apple --clipnerf_filter_text apple banana vegetable floor --weight_path ckpts/colmap/exp_v1/epoch=3_slim.ckpt --accumulate_grad_batches 2

Render with Edit

  • Modify --edit_config or codebase itself for other editings.
  • Set --ckpt_path with the checkpoint above.
python --root_dir sample_dataset --dataset_name colmap --downsample 0.25 --scale 4.0 --ray_sampling_strategy same_image --feature_dim 512 --ckpt_path ckpts/colmap/exp_v1_clip/epoch\=0_slim.ckpt --edit_config query.yaml
# ls ./renderd_*.png
# ffmpeg -framerate 30 -i ./rendered_%03d.png -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -r 30 video.mp4

With New Scene

Prepare Posed Images


colmap feature_extractor --ImageReader.camera_model OPENCV --SiftExtraction.estimate_affine_shape=true --SiftExtraction.domain_size_pooling=true --ImageReader.single_camera 1 --database_path sample_dataset/database.db --image_path sample_dataset/images --SiftExtraction.use_gpu=false
colmap exhaustive_matcher --SiftMatching.guided_matching=true --database_path sample_dataset/database.db --SiftMatching.use_gpu=false
mkdir sample_dataset/sparse
colmap mapper --database_path sample_dataset/database.db --image_path sample_dataset/images --output_path sample_dataset/sparse
colmap bundle_adjuster --input_path sample_dataset/sparse/0 --output_path sample_dataset/sparse/0 --BundleAdjustment.refine_principal
_point 1
colmap image_undistorter --image_path sample_dataset/images --input_path sample_dataset/sparse/0 --output_path sample_dataset_undis
--output_type COLMAP

Encode Features by Teacher Network

Setup LSeg

cd distilled_feature_field/encoders/lseg_encoder
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install git+

Download the LSeg model file demo_e200.ckpt from the Google drive.

Encode and save

python -u --backbone clip_vitl16_384 --weights demo_e200.ckpt --widehead --no-scaleinv --outdir ../../sample_dataset_undis/rgb_feature_langseg --test-rgb-dir ../../sample_dataset_undis/images

This may produces large feature map files in --outdir (100-200MB per file).

Run If reconstruction fails, change --scale 4.0 to smaller or larger values, e.g., --scale 1.0 or --scale 16.0.


The codebase of NeRF is derived from ngp_pl (6b2a669, Aug 30 2022) by @kwea123. Thank you.

The codebase of encoders/lseg_encoder is derived from lang-seg by @Boyiliee

The paper bibtex is as follows

  title={Decomposing NeRF for Editing via Feature Field Distillation},
  author={Sosuke Kobayashi and Eiichi Matsumoto and Vincent Sitzmann},
  booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
  volume = {35},
  url = {},

Concurrent work

A concurrent work by Tschernezki et al. also explores feature fields. Please check out their codebase.