A React based hook for facebook authentication.
$ npm i use-facebook-auth
$ yarn add use-facebook-auth
This hook uses context and hooks to provide info throughout your application on wether or not you have an active session. You'll want to wrap your app by doing the following:
import FacebookProvider from 'use-facebook-auth';
const MY_APP_ID = 'xxxxxxxx';
<FacebookProvider options={{ appId: MY_APP_ID }}>
<App />
Your App Id is the application you're using too authentcate against. Then on any page you wish to authenticate/logout/get sessino info you can use the following hook:
import { useFacebook } from 'use-facebook-auth';
const loginOptions = {
scope: 'public_profile,email'
const MyMethod = () => {
const {
authenticatedSession: { // only comes back when authenticated
accessToken: 'string';
expiresIn: 'number';
signedRequest: 'string';
userID: 'string';
grantedScopes: 'string'; // optional
reauthorize_required_in: 'number'; // optional
authenticatedState: 'loading' | 'error' | 'authenticated' | 'unauthenticated',
isAuthenticated: true | false, //derived from the auth state;
loading: true | false, //derived from the auth state;
logout(): void,
login(loginOptions): void
} = useFacebook();
return (<div>Hello</div>);
The Provider requires one option, the appId, but you can also pass in language and version if you wish to alter the defaults below:
Parameter | Description |
appId |
Required The facebook app your authentication associates too. |
version |
Default: v8.0 - provide a specific version |
language |
Default: en_US - Provide the language you wish to see translations in |
MIT Licensed
- Add user session info to hook
- Add example section to readme