Irrigation system powered by raspberry pi. work in progress...
Bootstrapper for making a local clone of the repo and doing the initial setup. Useful for deployment to Raspberry.
TODO: change url after merging
curl -s | sudo bash
- install vagrant on your machine
- clone this project:
git clone
- enter folder and start the vagrant vm:
cd piGarden && vagrant up --provider=virtualbox
- ssh into vm:
vagrant ssh
cd /piGarden/scripts && sudo ./
- watch the magic happen (and enjoy some music
- swich user:
sudo su gradinar
- see actions running by watching the logs:
pm2 logs
- connect to db:
mysql -udb_gardener -pKTgdXz3SSMCY pi_garden
- grafana: http://localhost:3002 (admin/admin)
- adding a source
- Type: InfluxDB
- URL: http://localhost:8086
- Access: proxy
- add dashboards...
- add users....
- todo save a default config and import it automatically
- adding a source
- graphql: http://localhost:3003/graphql
- sudo su gradinar
- cd /piGarden/
- git checkout master
- git pull
- sudo ./scripts/