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Cypress Cucumber testing DSL πŸ₯’ πŸš€

This is a project for UI/UX purposes with Cypress and Cucumber frameworks. There is implemented a unique DSL (Domain Specific Language) usage placed in folder cypress/tests/common.

Installation βš™οΈ

  • Install NodeJS \
  • Use the CLI to install this project.
git clone
npm intall

Running ⏳

To open the Cypress UI use this command:

npx cypress open

To run a specific Gherkin test use this command:

cypress run --spec "**/filename.feature"

To run all Gherkin tests use this command:

npm test

Supported Gherkin commands πŸ₯’ πŸ”¦

Given, When, Then, And

Command Expression
Given / When / Then / And I am on "string" page
Given / When / Then / And I click on input "string"
Given / When / Then / And I click on Nth "string"
Given / When / Then / And I click on Nth "string" button
Given / When / Then / And I click on "string"
Given / When / Then / And I click on "string" button
Given / When / Then / And I click on "string" link
Given / When / Then / And I scroll "string" into view
Given / When / Then / And I scroll to "string" at "string"
Given / When / Then / And I see "string" in the title
Given / When / Then / And I see "string" on the page
Given / When / Then / And I select from dropdown "string" "string"
Given / When / Then / And I select "string"
Given / When / Then / And Label "string" is present
Given / When / Then / And Set input at label "string" to "string"
Given / When / Then / And Set input "string" to "string"

Develop a Gherkin command πŸ’»

Use any JavaScript file in test/common folder as a template

import {Given, When, Then, And} from "cypress-cucumber-preprocessor/steps";

Given(`Expression {string}`, (str) => {
    /** Here goes the implementation of the Gherkin command
     * Use the Cypress documentation for implementing the test.
     * @str is the variable from inside the Expression. 
     *      You can use STRING or NUMBER
     *      as many as it is **/ 

When(`Expression {string}`, (str) => {
    /** Here goes the implementation of the Gherkin command
     * Use the Cypress documentation for implementing the test.
     * @str is the variable from inside the Expression.
     *      You can use STRING or NUMBER
     *      as many as it is **/


Then(`Expression {string}`, (str) => {
    /** Here goes the implementation of the Gherkin command
     * Use the Cypress documentation for implementing the test.
     * @str is the variable from inside the Expression.
     *      You can use STRING or NUMBER
     *      as many as it is **/


And(`Expression {string}`, (str) => {
    /** Here goes the implementation of the Gherkin command
     * Use the Cypress documentation for implementing the test.
     * @str is the variable from inside the Expression.
     *      You can use STRING or NUMBER
     *      as many as it is **/


Usage βš™οΈ

Create a new folder at folder tests/common which describes the testing domain. Inside in this new folder create a Gherkin file type .feature

  # The NAME of the feature testing file  
  Feature: The name of the feature

    # The description   
    Here goes the description

  # First scenario
    Given I am on "" page
    When I click on "Go to file"
    Then I click on "cypress/fixtures/example.json"
  # Second scenario
  Scenario: Another scenario
    Given I am on "" page
    Then I see "cypress-cucumber-testing" on the page

Google Sheets format πŸ—„

To use Google Sheets for implementig test scenarios

  • create a developer google site
  • cleate a google sheet
  • add your developer specific email
  • use the sheets/snippet.js file to run
node sheets/snippet.js

Contributing πŸ₯’ πŸ“βœ‚οΈβœ’οΈ

You are welcome to contribute on this project. By contributing you can make testers life easyer πŸ™‚
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

License πŸ›’πŸ”’


Links πŸ”—

KPI - Department of comupters and informatics
Technical University of Kosice