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A web client for the Hydrologic Reference Stations of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology


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A web client for the Hydrologic Reference Stations of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology in the Julia programming language. The website at provides high quality long-term streamflow data of unregulated catchments across Australia and their trend analysis results. With the package, you can download the data and analysis results directly to your Julia programming environment.


The package can be installed with the Julia package manager. From the Julia REPL, type ] to enter the Pkg REPL mode and run:

pkg> add HydroRefStations

If you want to install the package directly from its github development site,

pkg> add

And load the package using the command:

julia> using HydroRefStations

Site Information and Data Types

When you create an instance of the HRS structure, it downloads site information, header and also stores available data types.

julia> hrs = HRS();

Once it is instantiated, the fields of hrs should be considered as read-only so don't try to change any values of the fields.

Site Information

hrs.sites has site information including AWRC ID, description and locations.

julia> hrs.sites
467×8 DataFrame. Omitted printing of 5 columns
│ Row │ AWRC Station Number │ Station Name                                 │ Latitude │
│     │ String              │ String                                       │ Float64  │
│ 1410713              │ Paddy's River at Riverlea                    │ -35.3843 │
│ 2410730              │ Cotter River at Gingera                      │ -35.5917 │
│ 3410731              │ Gudgenby River at

julia> names(hrs.sites)
8-element Array{String,1}:
 "AWRC Station Number"
 "Station Name"
 "Catchment Area (km2)"
 "Data Owner Name"
 "Data Owner Code"

hrs.header shows the header of the site information. It includes the URL of the website and the version of data available.

julia> hrs.header
6-element Array{String,1}:
 "Australian Bureau of Meteorology"
 "Hydrologic Reference Stations"
 "Dataset version: August, 2020"

Data Types

hrs.data_types returns all available data types. For instance, "daily data" is used to download daily streamflow data and "annual data" is about annual total streamflow data.

julia> hrs.data_types
Dict{String,Array{String,1}} with 4 entries:
  "day"    => ["daily data", "daily flow duration curve", "event frequency analysis", "event vo…
  "month"  => ["monthly data", "january data", "february data", "march data", "april data", "ma
  "year"   => ["annual data", "cease to flow", "annual anomaly", "3 year moving average", "5 ye…
  "season" => ["seasonal data", "summer data", "autumn data", "winter data", "spring data", "su

If you want to check data types at the annual time scale,

julia> hrs.data_types["year"]
6-element Array{String,1}:
 "annual data"
 "cease to flow"
 "annual anomaly"
 "3 year moving average"
 "5 year moving average"
 "11 year moving average"


get_data() returns data as DataFrames.DataFrame. The method needs AWRC ID and data type. The AWRC ID of a station can be found in hrs.sites and the string of a data type can be found in the array from hrs.data_types.

julia> awrc_id = "410730";
julia> data, header = get_data(hrs, awrc_id, "annual data");
julia> data
55×2 DataFrame
│ Row │ Water Year (March to February) │ Annual streamflow (GL/water year) │
│     │ Int64                          │ Float64                           │
│ 1196480.3924                           │
│ 2196519.7936                           │
│ 3196657.0632...


This project is not related to or endorsed by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM).

Please find copyright of materials downloaded from the Hydrologic Reference Stations website at copyright notice.


A web client for the Hydrologic Reference Stations of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology








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