Express server, MSsql
Queries using Transact-SQL
Config details are located in .bash_profile
config = { server: process.env.MSSQL_IP, user: process.env.MSSQL_USER, password: process.env.MSSQL_PASS, database: process.env.MSSQL_DATABASE };
- Remote into the UCSC server
~/$ ssh [email protected]
~/$ password: ########
~/$ cd ZeroWasteAPI
- Update the UCSC files with the latest master version
~/$ git pull
- Find the running processes
~/$ ps aux | grep "node"
or~/$ ps aux | grep "node APIserver.js"
- Kill the running processes
kp ##### 4.8 0.7 69788 33280 pts/10 Sl May14 0:00 node APIserver.js
~/$ kill #####
- Or do the last two in one step (careful because this will kill all processes with this name)
~/$ pkill -f "node APIserver.js"
- Start Server by running (inclue 'nohup' and '&' so the server will run in the background)
~/$ nohup node APIserver.js &
PickupTime: "2017-08-09T00:13:00.000Z",
Year_Month: "2017-08",
Month_Num: 8,
Week_Num: "2017-32",
LoadmanAcct: 907,
LoadName: "RR-CMK-OR",
LoadName_Split: "RR-CMK-OR",
Product: "Compost",
Diversion_Type: "Diverted",
ContainerType: "Roll Off",
Size_CY: 20,
Location: "Crown/Merrill Kitchen",
Location_Type: "Dining",
Load_Split: 12120
code: "EREQUEST",
number: 2812,
lineNumber: 1,
state: 62,
class: 16,
serverName: "PP-PROD-DB-1",
procName: "",
originalError: {
info: {
number: 2812,
state: 62,
class: 16,
message: "Could not find stored procedure 'S'.",
serverName: "PP-PROD-DB-1",
procName: "",
lineNumber: 1,
name: "ERROR",
event: "errorMessage"
name: "RequestError",
precedingErrors: [ ]