#Ekstazi Jenkins Plugin Support for enabling Ekstazi in Jenkins Maven projects
- Automatic POM patching to enable Ekstazi (can be disabled if Ekstazi already present)
- Support for multiple Ekstazi versions (Global configuration option)
- Per build Ekstazi options (i.e. forcefailing, skipme)
- Ekstazi status icons in Jenkins web interface
- Archival and Permalinking of Ekstazi results
- Support for large multi-module projects
- Transparent support for distributed builds
##Tests To run
mvn test
Code coverage
The project uses JaCoCo as the code coverage tool to generate coverage reports. These coverage reports can then be analyzed by SonarQube. Assuming the developer has a sonar server up and running, the following sequence of commands can be used to generate and analyze code coverage for the project:
mvn clean test
mvn sonar:sonar
Writing tests
All tests are located in the src/test/java/com/pluralsight/ekstazi folder and use Jenkins Rule for integration tests, Mockito for unit tests, and HtmlUnit for user interface testing.
mvn install
cp EkstaziJenkinsPlugin.hpi $JENKINS_HOME/plugins
mvn hpi:run
Navigate to http://localhost:8080/jenkins
##Potential Future Enhancements
- Optimize copying of artifacts
- Add -DfailIfNoTests=false by default
- Integrate coveralls
- Integrate Ekstazi with Travis CI