A standalone platform for animal observation and manipulation.
This program is a software module for the hardware platform "Light_Barrier_2015_3" developed for two pairs of lightbarriers.
Wide Input Voltage Range: 3.3V to 60V
Example with receiver from Vishay: TSSP58038 and LED Vishay: VSLB3940
Always low level triggered for wire monitoring(breakage).
Two high level signal: 204µA@3,3V -- Two low level signal: 1.49mA@3,3V
Two high level signal: 195µA@5V -- Two low level signal: 1.49mA@5V
Two high level signal: 195µA@13,2V -- Two low level signal: 1.47mA@13,2V
Parameter distance 3,3 Meter: 4mA@12V average
Prototype: Bat counter
The distance from light barrier 1 is 15cm and from light barrier 2 is 13cm.
Prototype: Long range RFID- reader for shore birds