Forwards all SMS received on Netgear LB1110 to a telegram group.
Practical uses:
- "Redirect" two factor authentication messages to telegram
Important notes:
- Due to limitations in LB1110's software, every forwarded SMS gets deleted on the modem.
- Due to limitations in LB1110's software, sms with multiple newlines may appear as multiple messages.
- Modem password and sms are transmitted over http (not encrypted). Don't connect the modem to your network, hook it directly into your machine.
- Install redis
- Install HTTPie
- Install jq
- Telegram: Create bot in bot father
- Add bot to your telegram group (or create a new one)
- Gather chat id:
TOKEN="place token here" curl${TOKEN}/getUpdates
git clone
cp .env.example .env.local
- Update all needed variables in
- Try out if your config works:
source .env.local && ./
- Add
user and group make install
cp /etc/sms-forward-bot.env_example /etc/sms-forward-bot.env
- Update all needed variables in
vim /etc/sms-forward-bot.env
systemctl start sms-forward-bot.service
- Start on reboot:
systemctl enable sms-forward-bot.service && systemctl enable --now sms-modem-restart.timer
Imprtant note: This will overwrite the systemd services and timers
cd sms-forward-bot
git pull
make install