Identity provider for Peak Tracker
It's built with Ruby on Rails, Devise and Doorkeeper.
Commands are defined in the Justfile
and can be listed with just
Peak Tracker Auth expects a PostgreSQL database and a Redis server to be accessible.
# Make sure you have the required Ruby version installed
ruby -v
-> ruby 3.2.2 ...
# Install the dependencies
# Setup the database
bundle exec rails db:setup
# Start the server
just start
compiling http11_parser.c
compiling mini_ssl.c
compiling puma_http11.c
linking shared-object puma/puma_http11.bundle
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
"_SSL_get1_peer_certificate", referenced from:
_engine_peercert in mini_ssl.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
See this PR comment