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PID control

Peter Corke edited this page Jul 9, 2023 · 5 revisions

PID background

PID control is very common in many applications. While conceptually simple it poses some challenges for simulation using bdsim.

The controller in transfer function form is

Y ( s ) U ( s ) = P + D s + I s

where P , D and I are the proportional, derivative and integral gain terms respectively, and s is the Laplace operator.

PID implementation issues

As written, this has has a feed through term, the output depends directly on the input if P 0 .

The second (derivative) term also poses a challenge. The required transfer function D s is not proper (also called non-causal) since the order of the numerator exceeds that of the denominator. A common way to get around this is to add a first-order smoothing filter and write instead

D s s / α + 1

where the filter pole ( s = α ) is set above the dominant poles of the plant. The first-order filter serves a useful purpose of smoothing the derivative which is typically a noise-enhancing operation. However this transfer function cannot be implemented in bdsim because it also has direct feed through. We can see that by rewriting the transfer function

D s s / α + 1 = 1 + ( D 1 / α ) s 1 s / α + 1

Alternatively we could rewrite the transfer function of the derivative term

Y ( s ) U ( s ) = D s s / α + 1


Y ( s ) = α ( D U ( s ) Y ( s ) s )

which we can implement as a simple block diagram

Screenshot 2023-03-13 at 8 44 52 am

which is known as a complementary filter. This way we sidestep the issue of non-proper transfer functions. The DERIV block is a subsystem that implements this small block diagram.

We can implement the third (integral) term as an LTI SISO transfer function.

The requirement for "no feedthrough" is a consequence of the way bdsim integrates the system dynamics. Without this requirement we would have algebraic loops which would need iteration to resolve at every time step.

Implementing the PID controller as a subsystem

Since no bdsim transfer function block can have feed through, we have to express the PID controller as three blocks whose outputs are added by a summing junction, something like

pid_proportional = bd.GAIN()      # proportional block
pid_deriv = bd.DERIV()            # derivative block
pid_integrator = bd.INTEGRATOR()  # integrator block
pid_sum = bd.SUM("+++).           # sum of all three blocks

bd.connect(U, pid_proportional[0], pid_deriv[0], pid_integrator[0])
bd.connect(pid_proportional[0], pid_sum[0])
bd.connect(pid_deriv[0], pid_sum[1])
bd.connect(pid_integrator[0], pid_sum[2])

noting that the DERIV block is itself a subsystem.

The PID block implements this scheme and supports a number of options such as:

  • a reduced controller that leaves out some blocks for the PI or PD cases
  • an integral band, the integrator is only enabled when the error magnitude is below a threshold
  • bounds on the integrator state

See examples/ for an example that uses the PID block.