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Peter Corke edited this page Mar 28, 2021 · 4 revisions


2021-03-28 commit 2296858

Major syntax change.

The old syntax

import bdsim

bd = bdsim.BlockDiagram()  # create an empty block diagram

out = bd(5)  # simulate the model

is now

import bdsim

sim = bdsim.BDSim(animation=True)  # create simulator
bd = sim.blockdiagram()  # create an empty block diagram

out =, 5)  # simulate the model

Trying to separate out all the operating specific stuff (matplotlib, argparse, SciPy) from the blocks and wires. Longer term aim is to make the blocks stateless, but not there yet.

Clocked blocks

clock = bd.clock(2, 'Hz')  # create a 2Hz clock
zoh = bd.ZOH(clock)  # create a ZOH block that samples on this clock

A clock can drive multiple clocked blocks. The discrete state associated with a particular clock is kept within the Clock block.# Getting started