River water temperature model
The river water temperature model is designed to be applied in Arctic rivers. Heat energy transfers considered include surface net solar radiation, net longwave radiation, latent heat due to evaporation and condensation, convective heat and the riverbed heat flux.
You can run the model with the River_temp_portal.
Please note that the default riverbed deposit is sand and gravel, users can change the sedimentary material with alternative soil/substrate physical and thermal parameters.
His: incident solar (shortwave) radiation (w m-2) --- Mfile
Hdl: Downward thermal (Longwave) radiation (w m-2) --- Mfile
Ta: Air temperature (°C) --- Mfile
Uw: Wind speed (m/s) --- Mfile
rh: Relative humidity (0-1) --- Mfile
P: Surface pressure (pa) --- Mfile
h: River stage (m) --- Sfile
rivericeoff: First day of river induation (DOY)
rivericeon: Last day of river induation (DOY)
Tw: Water temperature (°C)
The underlying theory and assumptions of this model are published in JGR-ES: Changing Arctic River Dynamics Cause Localized Permafrost Thaw, Lei Zheng Irina Overeem Kang Wang Gary D. Clow, 2019. Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JF005060