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Per Unneberg edited this page Apr 24, 2015 · 11 revisions


The intended usage is that the user first creates a Snakefile for use with a particular dataset/problem. Thereafter, include statements are used to include rules of interest.

The tutorial Snakefiles can be found in the examples directory.

A simple example

Let's start by writing a Snakefile that includes the rules for the aligner bwa.

#-*- snakemake -*-
# Snakefile example

from snakemakelib.config import sml_rules_path

# Include settings and utilities
include: os.path.join(sml_rules_path(), "utils.rules")
include: os.path.join(sml_rules_path(), "bio/ngs/settings.rules")
# Include rules for bwa
include: os.path.join(sml_rules_path(), "bio/ngs/align/bwa.rules")

Here, we make use of a function sml_rules_path which dynamically calculates the absolute installation path of the snakemakelib/rules directory. Snakemake includes options to view tasks:

$ snakemake -l

	Print global configuration settings for loaded rules
	Print configuration sections. TODO: insert docstring from each rule file without running an import statement
	Print rules sorted by rule file, including input/output information
	Print rules sorted by rule file, excluding input/output information
	Convert sam file to bam
	Extract gene region from bam file
	Run samtools index
	Run bwa mem

The bwa_mem rule comes from bwa.rules. Note that also rules for samtools are present; these have been included via an include statement in bwa.rules. In addition, the rules file utils.rules included above defines convenience rules for viewing more detailed rule information. For instance, the rule rule_ll shows the following:

$ snakemake rule_ll

Provided cores: 1
Job counts:
	count	jobs
	1	rule_ll
rule rule_ll:

	Print global configuration settings for loaded rules

	Print configuration sections. TODO: insert docstring from each rule file without running an import statement

	Print rules sorted by rule file, excluding input/output information

	Print rules sorted by rule file, including input/output information

	Run bwa mem
	input: {prefix}_1.fastq.gz {prefix}_2.fastq.gz
	output: {prefix}.bam
	shell: bwa mem -t {threads}  bwa/ {prefix}_1.fastq.gz {prefix}_2.fastq.gz | samtools view -Sb - > {prefix}.bam

	Extract gene region from bam file
	input: {prefix}.bam {prefix}.region_{region}.{sfx}.bed
	output: {prefix}.region_{region}.{sfx}.bam
	shell: samtools view  -b -L {prefix}.region_{region}.{sfx}.bed {prefix}.bam > {prefix}.region_{region}.{sfx}.bam


	Run samtools index
	input: {prefix}.bam
	output: {prefix}.bai
	shell: samtools  index {prefix}.bam


	Convert sam file to bam
	input: {prefix}.sam
	output: {prefix}.bam
	shell: samtools view  -Sb {prefix}.sam > {prefix}.bam

1 of 1 steps (100%) done

This rule prints the docstring and the definitions of the input, output, and shell parameters. In the example above, we see that the output for rule bwa_mem looks like {prefix}.bam, where {prefix} is a wildcard that matches a given pattern in the inputs. To see what they look like in this example, run

$ snakemake test.bam

MissingInputException in line 37 of /path/to/snakemakelib/bio/ngs/align/bwa.rules:
Missing input files for rule bwa_mem:

As its name implies, Snakemake works like GNU Make in that one seeks to build a target output, in this case test.bam. Had the files test_1.fastq.gz and test_2.fastq.gz been present, the rule bwa_mem had run the command defined in the shell section:

bwa mem -t {threads}  bwa/ test_1.fastq.gz test_2.fastq.gz | samtools view -Sb - > test.bam

where {threads} will be substituted for the number of threads configured for bwa. Note that the index is bwa/ as no reference has yet been configured. We'll see in the next example how these can be configured. For now, we can have a look at what is configured as follows:

$ snakemake conf

Snakemake global configuration variables
 regions : []
 runs : []
 samples : []
 section : 

Top-level configuration variables

	aligner : bwa
	annotation : {'annot_label': '', 'transcript_annot_gtf': ''}
	center : 
	db : {'dbsnp': '', 'ref': '', 'build_config': None, 'build': ''}
	fastq_suffix : .fastq.gz
	inputdir : .
	java : {'java_tmpdir': '/tmp', 'java_mem': '6g'}
	read1_label : _1
	read1_suffix : .fastq.gz
	read2_label : _2
	read2_suffix : .fastq.gz
	regions : []
	rnaseq : {'quantification': ['rsem']}
	runs : []
	sample_column_map : {}
	sample_organization : sample
	sampleinfo : 
	sampleorg : sample_organization(raw_run_re={}, run_id_re={}, sample_re={})
	samples : []
	sequence_capture : {'bait_regions': '', 'target_regions': ''}
	threads : 8
	cmd : bwa
	index : <function index at 0x7fe523d37158>
	mem : {'options': ''}
	options : -M
	threads : 8
	cmd : samtools
	index : {'options': ''}
	options : 
	ref : 
	threads : 8

A slightly more complicated example

This example will be partly modelled on how I set up the ATAC-seq protocol

Importing relevant libraries

Start by importing relevant libraries:

# -*- snakemake -*-
import os
import pysam
from import set_temp_output
from snakemakelib.config import update_sml_config, get_sml_config, sml_rules_path
from import generic_target_generator

set_temp_output is a helper function for dynamically setting the output of given rules to temporary. update_sml_config and get_sml_config are two important functions; they communicate with the backend configuration, i.e. the global state of the system. Configuration options are set and retrieved via these functions. sml_rules_path retrieves the path to the root location of snakemakelib rules. Finally, generic_target_generator is a function that will generate target names based on the input data. The results of this function is a list of file names that serve as targets for the snakemake workflow.

Setting the default configuration

The next step is to set default configuration values for the workflow. Here I've included a subsection of these defaults:

# Default configuration settings custom-tailored for ATAC-Seq analysis
atac_config = {
	'' : {
		'aligner' : 'bowtie',
		'peakcallers' : ['zinba', 'dfilter', 'macs2'],
		'trimadaptor' : True,
	'settings' : {
		'temp_rules' : [],
	'bio.ngs.enrichment.macs' : {
		'callpeak' : {
			'options' : '-g dm --nomodel --shiftsize 50 -q 0.01',

To begin with the obvious the configuration object is a dictionary of dictionaries. The top-level keys correspond to configuration sections, and for each step we descend in the hierarchy, the more specific the configuration settings are. The section names reflect the locations of the corresponding rules files. For instance, the rules for section settings is found in rules/settings.rules relative to the snakemakelib installation directory. Similarly, the rules file for section bio.ngs.enrichment.macs is located at rules/bio/ngs/enrichment/macs.rules. Note that these files contain a more comprehensive list of configuration default. The purpose of setting them in the workflow file is to override the default settings so that they are fine-tuned to this particular analysis.

The configuration section relates to the workflow file itself. The intention of the parameters in this section is to govern the behaviour of the workflow in general. For instance, in this example, we have settings for choosing aligner and what peakcallers to use.

Finally, it is extremely important to make these configuration settings visible to the snakemakelib configuration backend. This is done with the following code:


Making use of a configuration file

As noted above, the configuration settings override the default settings in the rules files. However, by supplying a yaml configuration file it is possible to override these settings too. In the Buenrostro repaper example, the Snakefile contains the following code:

# Load external configuration files

The documentation for load_sml_config explains what it does:

Will search for configuration files in following order:

1. ~/.smlconf.yaml - a personal site-wide configuration file
2. ./smlconf.yaml - a standard configuration file residing in the
    same directory as the Snakefile
3. cfg_file, if provided

  cfg_file: custom configuration file to load

Consequently, one can have several layers of configurations, tailored for different analyses or computing environments.

A digression on sample organization

Before we delve into the task of generating target names for snakemake, a digression on sample organization is in order. In the Buenrostro configuration file, there configuration section bio.ngs.settings reads as follows:

  sample_organization: sample_run_sra

The key sample_organization tells snakemakelib how data is and shall be organized. Typically, sample data is of three types:

  1. raw run data, i.e raw data from the sequencing machine
  2. processed run data
  3. sample-level data in which data from several runs for a sample have been merged

Since snakemake works on file names, here, we're interested in the format of file names. As we'll see, snakemakelib determines these names based on regular expressions. Setting the key sample_organization to sample_run_sra will use a predefined set of regular expressions for the three levels of sample file names described above. In bio.ngs.settings, there is a dictionary sample_organization that defines regular expressions for different naming conventions. For the sample_run_sra key, we have

sample_org = namedtuple('sample_organization', 'raw_run_re run_id_re sample_re')
sample_organization = {
	# Data in sample directory divided in subdirectory for each run, SRA-like
	'sample_run_sra' : {
		'sampleorg' : sample_org(RunRegexp(os.path.join("(?P<SM>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)", "(?P<PU>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)", "(?P=PU)")),
								 RunRegexp(os.path.join("(?P<SM>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)", "(?P<PU>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)", "(?P=PU)")),
								 SampleRegexp(os.path.join("(?P<SM>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)", "(?P=SM)"))),

Setting sample_organization to sample_run_sra will load a dictionary with key sampleorg whose value is a namedtuple consisting of three regular expression classes. The regular expressions use symbolic group names (here SM and PU) to access the matches in each parenthesis. SRA run names are on the format SRR###### (see Understanding SRA Search Results), sample names SRS######, where # represents a digit. As can be seen above, snakemakelib assumes the following format for the three levels (even though there is no specific requirement that they begin with SRS and SRA in the regular expression):

  1. raw_run: SRS###### / SRA###### / SRA######
  2. run_id: SRS###### / SRA###### / SRA######
  3. sample: SRS###### / SRS######

The symbolic group names SM and PU are not randomly chosen; the same tags are used here as for read group information in the SAM format specification. Snakemakelib will use this information to write readgroup information to bam headers, if requested.

A more complicated example is shown below:

sample_organization = {
	# Illumina sequence data as delivered by SciLife
	'Illumina@SciLife' : {
		'sampleorg' : sample_org(RunRegexp(os.path.join("(?P<SM>P[0-9]+_[0-9]+)", "(?P<DT>[0-9]+)_(?P<PU1>[A-Z0-9]+XX)", "(?P<PU2>[0-9])_(?P=DT)_(?P=PU1)_(?P=SM)")),
								 RunRegexp(os.path.join("(?P<SM>P[0-9]+_[0-9]+)", "(?P<DT>[0-9]+)_(?P<PU1>[A-Z0-9]+XX)", "(?P<PU2>[0-9])_(?P=DT)_(?P=PU1)_(?P=SM)")),
								 SampleRegexp(os.path.join("(?P<SM>P[0-9]+_[0-9]+)", "(?P=SM)"))),

The example data are formatted according to this convention. For instance, for project J.Doe_00_01 the full path to the fastq file is


Matching this up with the raw run regular expression above, we get SM=P001_101, DT=120924, PU1=AC003CCC, and PU2=1. PU stands for Platform Unit and could be 'flowcell-barcode.lane' for Illumina data. This information is split above, hence the indexing. When snakemakelib writes the PU read group tag, it will concatenate the indexed PU tags in successive order with an underscore, so that PU=PU1_PU2 above would be AC003CCC_1. Hence, as sequencing data is a common starting point, given the file organization and regular expressions above, snakemakelib will automatically generate names for downstream processing.

Why the need for raw run versus run identifiers? Well, it turns out that some sequencing centers deliver sequencing data in one format, whereas the analysis pipelines transform the names into another format. Previously, I worked with data where the raw data file names looked as above, but where a processed run would look like


but the processed run data prefix would look like


Having two levels of regular expressions for run data allows for this flexible treatment of file names.

Using a samplesheet

NB: the following has only currently been tested for

Finally, there is another setting in bio.ngs.settings in the Buenrostro configuration file:

	SampleName: SM
	Run: PU

If a samplesheet is present, snakemakelib will use this file instead of raw file names. sample_column_map maps the column names in the samplesheet file to read group identifiers. You must at least provide a mapping for the read group identifiers present in the regular expressions. The column names above are from the SRA project information file. Incidentally, for expression experiments, the SampleName actually holds GEO identifiers, so example paths to the three sample file name levels in the Buenrostro example would look like

raw_run: GSM1155957/SRR891268/SRR891268_1.fastq.gz
run_id:  GSM1155957/SRR891268/SRR891268.bam
sample:  GSM1155957/GSM1155957.sort.merge.bam

Generating targets

Writing a custom rule