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bat v0.16.1

Manage battery charge limit

  • Repo:
  • After:
  • License: MIT
  • Required: Linux-5.4-rc1+ systemd-244+
bat v0.16.1 - Manage battery charge limit
Usage: bat <option>
  Options (every option except 's[tatus]' needs root privileges):
    [s[tatus]]         Display charge level, limit, health & persist status.
    [l[imit]] <int>    Set the charge limit to <int> percent.
    p[ersist]          Persist the charge limit after driver reloads.
    r[emove]           Do not persist the charge limit after driver reloads.
    h[elp]             Just display this help text.
    v[ersion]          Just display version information.
The battery with regex 'BAT.' in environment variable BAT_SELECT will be used.


The goal is to replicate the functionality of the ASUS Battery Health Charging utility for ASUS laptops on Windows which aims to prolong the battery's life-span 1 2.

  • Linux kernel module: asus_nb_wmi
  • System variables used: /sys/class/power_supply/BAT?/
  • Persist states for systemd: hibernate, hybrid-sleep, multi-user, sleep, suspend, suspend-then-hibernate



This has been reported to only work with some ASUS and Lenovo ThinkPad laptops. For Dell Lattitude/Precision laptops, use package smbios-utils: smbios-battery-ctl --set-custom-charge-interval=50 80. For other manufacturers there is also TLP.


Precompiled binaries (Linux x86_64) are available from the GitHub releases page, download the latest here.

sudo wget -qO /usr/local/bin/bat ""
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/bat

Alternatively, the application can be build from source by running the following command in the root directory of this repository. This requires a working version of Go:

CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-s -w"

To install, do: sudo mv bat /usr/local/bin (requires root privileges). You can also rename the binary to something else if another program with the same name already exists.

Or install by simply: go install


Print the current battery charge level, limit and status


Sample output:

Level: 45%
Limit: 80%
Health: 85%
Status: Charging
Persist: yes

Set a battery charge limit in percentage points (requires privileges):

sudo bat 80

Sample output:

[BAT1] Charge limit set, to make it persist, run:
bat persist

Undo the battery charge limit (requires privileges):

sudo bat 0

Sample output:

[BATC] Charge limit unset

Persist the currently set charge limit after restart/hibernation/wake-up (requires privileges):

sudo bat persist

Sample output:

[BATT] Persistence enabled for charge limit: 80

Remove the persist config settings (requires privileges):

sudo bat remove

Sample output:

[BAT0] Persistence of charge limit removed

Remove persist config settings for BAT1 (requires privileges):

sudo BAT_SELECT=BAT1 bat remove


[BAT1] Persistence of charge limit removed