A PyTorch implementation of LSFM DeStripe method
(1) Provide a filename, run slice by slice (suitable for extremely large file)
suppose we have a to-be-processed volume saved in data_path
with vertical stripe in it
from lsfm_destripe import DeStripe
exe = DeStripe() ###to run with default parameters for training
out = exe.train(
where the volume in mask_path
is to specifically indicate structures that are to be reserved after processing, left out can run prue DeStripe without constraint, is_vertical
is to define whether the stirpes, or say the direction of light sheet propagation is along vertical or horizona. In practice, the stripe maight not be strictly vertical/horizontal, thus the angle offset in degree can be defined in angle_offset
. Moreover, for multi-directional LSFM, for example Ultramicroscope II, Lavision Biotec. whose outputs exhibit stripes in 3 directions, -10 degrees, 0 degress, and 10 degrees, DeStripe can also remove all the stripes at the same time by runing:
out = exe.train(
angle_offset=[-10, 0, 10],
Alternatively, DeStripe can be initialized with user-defined train parameters, a full list of input arguments in __init__
is here:
loss_eps: float = 10
qr: float = 0.5
resample_ratio: int = 3
GF_kernel_size_train: int = 29
GF_kernel_size_inference: int = 29
hessian_kernel_sigma: float = 1
sampling_in_MSEloss: int = 2
isotropic_hessian: bool = True
lambda_tv: float = 1
lambda_hessian: float = 1
inc: int = 16
n_epochs: int = 300
wedge_degree: float = 29
n_neighbors: int = 16
fast_GF: bool = False
require_global_correction: bool = True
fusion_GF_kernel_size: int = 49
fusion_Gaussian_kernel_size: int = 49
device: str = None
(2) Provide a array, i.e., the image to be processed, and necessary parameters (more suitable for small data or for use in napari)
suppose we have a to-be-processed volume img_arr
that has been read in as a np.ndarray or dask.array.core.Array and has vertical stripes in it
from lsfm_destripe import DeStripe
###run with default training params
out = DeStripe.train_on_full_arr(
where img_arr
has a size of mask_arr
has a size of device
by default is "cpu".
Also, customized training can be done by wrapping the training params that you'd like to change as a Dict.:
from lsfm_destripe import DeStripe
out = DeStripe.train_on_full_arr(
train_params = {"resample_ratio": 3},
suppose we have a to-be-processed volume saved in /path/to/my/image.tiff and it has vertical stripes, and we'd like to save the result from DeStripe as /path/to/save/result.tif
destripe --X1_path /path/to/my/image.tiff \
--is_vertical True \
--angle_offset 0 \
--save_path /path/to/save/result.tif
in addition, all the training parameters can be changed in command line:
destripe --X1_path /path/to/my/image.tiff \
--is_vertical True \
--angle_offset 0,-10,10 \
--save_path /path/to/save/result.tif
a full list of changeable args:
usage: run_destripe --X1_path
[--loss_eps 10]
[--qr 0.5]
[--resample_ratio 3]
[--GF_kernel_size_train 29]
[--GF_kernel_size_inference 29]
[--hessian_kernel_sigma 1]
[--sampling_in_MSEloss 2]
[--isotropic_hessian "True"]
[--lambda_tv 1]
[--lambda_hessian 1]
[--inc 16]
[--n_epochs 300]
[--wedge_degree 29]
[--n_neighbors 16]
[--fast_GF "False"]
[--require_global_correction "True"]
[--fusion_GF_kernel_size 49]
[--fusion_Gaussian_kernel_size 49]
[--X2_path None]
[--mask_path None]
[--boundary None]
[--save_path_top_or_left_view None]
[--save_path_bottom_or_right_view None]
Stable Release: pip install lsfm_destripe
Development Head: pip install git+https://github.com/peng-lab/lsfm_destripe.git
See CONTRIBUTING.md for information related to developing the code.
MIT license