Counts the number of blank nodes in an RDF file. Accepts Turtle as input, and uses rapper to convert it to N-Triples.
$ bnodec rdf_data.ttl
Uses: rapper, awk, grep, sort, uniq, wc
Uses and dot to create a PNG callgraph image from a cachegrind file.
Uses:, dot
$ countelements file.xml > count.csv
Count the number of occurances of all XML elements in a file. Outputs a 2-column CSV of the element name and count. Use "-" as the filename to read from STDIN instead.
Uses: Perl, XML::Parser
$ curlpw
This is a wrapper around curl
that interactively prompts for a username and
password, then executres curl
with those credentials. Any command-line
arguments are passed on to the curl
command as-is.
Uses: curl
$ editjson
Downloads a JSON file, opens it in an editor of your choice, and then reuploads the JSON using an HTTP PUT request back to the original URL.
When downloading, it runs the JSON through jq
with a default filter of .
. The filter can be specified as the second
argument. For example, to remove the badkey
key from the JSON before opening
the editor, you could use:
$ editjson 'del(.badkey)'
The editor to use is taken from the $EDITOR
environment variable. It defaults
to vim
if there is no $EDITOR
The PUT request is only sent if the eidted file is non-empty. Therefore, to cancel the PUT request, delete all of the contents of the file before saving and quitting your editor.
Uses: curl, jq
Retrive the SSL certificate from a server, given a hostname and optional port. If no port is given, it defaults to 443 (HTTPS). It prints the PEM-encoded certificate to STDOUT.
$ getcert > www.pem
$ getcert 636 > ldap.pem
Uses: openssl, sed
Pass a diff through a syntax highlighter (pygmentize) and pager (less) for easy viewing. All command line arguments are passed directly to diff.
If it detects its output is not a terminal, it instead becomes plain diff. This makes it safe to use in pipes. (This idea stolen from less.)
Uses: diff, pygmentize, less
Combine multiple PDF files into one using ghostscript. The output PDF is sent to STDOUT.
$ pdfcombine first.pdf second.pdf third.pdf > output.pdf
Uses: gs
$ sendkey ~/ server1 server2 server3
Copy the SSH public key in the file given as the first argument to the
file on one or more servers.
Uses: ssh
$ sshpw user@server
Force ssh
to prompt for a password, and disables public-key authentication.
Any arguments are simply passed through to ssh
Uses: ssh