GitDate is a dating, event website for digital nomads with Gitflow and GitHub interface.
👥 Find activities 👥
👀 Meet people 👀
💜 Find love 💜
💻 With computer and smartphone 💻
✈ Without borders ✈
⚡ With GitHub styles ⚡
- Developed with TypeScript, React, React Router v6, Redux (User registration and login state management), and Styled Components for RWD layout, and CSS animation.
- Aligned React Joyride to provide guided tours for users to have a deeper understanding of the website.
- Adopted Tiptap Editor to create more customized and diverse user-generated content.
- Connected Google Maps Platform (Places, Geocoding, Maps JavaScript API) to provide a better user experience by auto-completing addresses, and rendering geocode locations into UI.
- Integrated GitGraph.js to visualize dynamic interaction among users by representing Gitflow feature.
- Utilized React Calendar to manipulate and manage dates for activities created by users.
- Completed native user management system with Firebase Authentication.
- Designed data structure of chatroom and managed data with Firebase Firestore Database.
graph TD
A(GitDate) -->|New user?| B[Sign Up]
A --> |Sign In|C{GitDate Features}
B --> C{GitDate Features}
C -->|Write profile| D[README]
C --> E[Issues] -->|Create Issue| H(git push)
E -->|Read Issue| J[Issues] -->|Send Pull Request| D
C --> F[Branches] -->|Create Branch| G(git branch)
F -->|Attend Branch| I(git checkout)
D -->|Merge PR| K(Repo)
D --> |Close PR| L(To GitDate, find next one)
- - You can create your own README and share with others 🙌
- GitGraph - To show how active you are in GitDate! 💃
- git cheatsheet - Don't be afraid if you are not an engineer 😉
- React
- TypeScript
- Redux
- Google Maps Platform
- Places API
- Geocoding API
- Maps JavaScript API
- React Joyride
- React Calendar
- GitGraph.js
- Tiptap Editor
- Auto-start tours in GitDate, and
for tours in every page
- After Sign in / Sign Up, you could write your own
and see/share your public README!
- You can find different types of
(activities) by filters or dates, then checkout to this branch. Of course, you can initial new branch as well!
- You can find all the
(posts) created by users, and click to see the author's README. If you are interested in the author, don't hesitate to send a pull request!
- When another user recieved a pull request, the notification will appear, user could decide to merge or close the PR. If PR merged, the
(chatrooms) will open, then both users can start chatting!
- Mobile version is available as well!
Push on GitDate, Merge your soulmate!
Happy coding and Happy dating! ✨✨✨
- Recommendation: You might also like...
- Search nearby branches!
- Terminal to control the website / VIM commands
- Video chatting
- ...more to come