TESTNET NFT, Marketplace, and HRP
Pre-releaseThe hard-fork date/time is set to Saturday August 15, 2020 12:00AM UTC
Replays are mandatory
A non-fungible token (NFT) is a special type of token that represents a unique asset. They are blockchain assets that are designed to not be equal. NFTs have a wide range of applications including video games, fine art, movie tickets and more.
The most popular type of NFT is based on the ERC-721 token standard. Creation of ERC-721 tokens has exploded over the past year with a huge wave of digital collectibles and game-based assets coming online.
Peerplays provides an enhanced version of the ERC-721 token standard wherein there can be both non-fungible and semi-fungible tokens based on the discretion of the token creator. The Peerplays standard also provides flexibility to mark the NFTs non-transferable and non-sellable if the creator choose so.
Peerplays marketplace is a decentralized, peer-to-peer marketplace for Peerplays NFTs.
The marketplace provides both auction and reverse auction functionality. An NFT owner can list his asset for sale in the marketplace for a desired price and other users can bid to buy the asset until the sale expires. Similarly, users can create a buy offer to an NFT owner.
Hierarchical Role Based Custom Permissions (HRPs) provides a more sophisticated and fine-grained control of account permissions. Users of the Peerplays blockchain can create new permissions and link operations that can use the created permissions instead of active and owner keys. This increases the security of the user accounts wherein the user need not use the critical active and owner permissions all the time.
Who Should Upgrade?
The witnesses on the Beatrice Public TESTNET are requested to upgrade to this release. The hard-fork date/time is set to Saturday August 15, 2020 12:00AM UTC
Summary of Changes
NFT - NFT functionality added.
Marketplace - There is now a marketplace to exchange NFTs created on the Peerplays blockchain.
HRP - There is now new custom account permissions and authorities.
Various Fixes - This release contains fixes for GPOS, 5050 and several other modules.
Additional Tests : We have added additional tests and extensive information for QA or the community to verify the fixes.
List of PRs
Mainnet chain halt 5050 Issue (#370)
GPOS2 HF - Handle rolling period on missing blocks (#369)
Marketplace + NFT + RBAC (#368)
Peerplays Marketplace + NFT (#367)
Unable set private-key option through cli comand (#353)
Feature/nh5050 winner_ticket_id changes (#340)