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Create React Native Named StyleSheets with support for Dark/Light/Auto Mode.


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A package that allows you to create React Native StyleSheets with support for Dark/Light/Auto Themes.

  • Simple API
  • Fully typed
  • Builds on top of StyleSheets and Hooks
  • Storybook addon to change Theme Mode


Using Yarn

yarn add react-native-themed-stylesheet

Using NPM

npm install --save react-native-themed-stylesheet


Create a type declaration file to merge BaseTheme declaration:

// react-native-themed-stylesheet.d.ts
import 'react-native-themed-stylesheet'

declare module 'react-native-themed-stylesheet' {
  export interface BaseTheme {
    theme: {
      colors: {
        primary: string
    constants: {  // This is optional. If declared/defined, it will be merge with the current theme.
      colors: {
        accent: string

Using the theme:

// App.tsx
import React from 'react'
import { View, Text, Button } from 'react-native'
import { ThemeProvider, useCreateStyles, useMode, useTheme, useThemes } from 'react-native-themed-stylesheet'

const DefaultComponent: React.FC = () => {
  const { colors } = useTheme()
  const [mode, setMode] = useMode()
  const [themes, setThemes] = useThemes()
  console.log('Current Mode:', mode)
  console.log('Themes:', themes)
  return (
    <View style={{ flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }}>
      <Text style={{ color: colors.primary, backgroundColor: colors.accent }}>Hello World</Text>
      <Button title='Dark Mode' onPress={() => setMode('dark')}/>
      <Button title='Light Mode' onPress={() => setMode('light')}/>
      <Button title='Auto Mode' onPress={() => setMode('auto')}/>
      <Button title='Change Themes' onPress={
          () => setThemes({
            light: {
              colors: { primary: '#c1c1c1' }
            dark: {
              colors: { primary: '#c2c2c2' }
            constants: {
              colors: { accent: '#c3c3c3' }

const ComponentWithUseCreateStyles: React.FC = () => {
  const [styles, theme] = useCreateStyles(({ colors }) => {
    text: {
      color: colors.primary,
      backgroundColor: colors.accent
  return (
    <View style={{ flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }}>
      <Text style={styles.text}>Hello World</Text>
      <Text style={{ color: theme.colors.accent }}>Hello World 2</Text>

const themes = {
  dark: {
    colors: {
      primary: '#000'
  light: {
    colors: {
      primary: '#fff'
  constants: {
    colors: {
      accent: '#c0c0c0'

const App: React.FC = () => (
  <ThemeProvider themes={themes}>
    <DefaultComponent />
    <ComponentWithUseCreateStyles />

export default App

Storybook Addon


// storybook.js
import {
} from '@storybook/react-native'
import 'react-native-themed-stylesheet/storybook/register'

configure(() => {
}, module)

const StorybookUIRoot = getStorybookUI()

export default StorybookUIRoot // Make sure to use this component within ThemeProvider.


React Component: ThemeProvider

Component to provide ThemeContext.


  • themes: An object of type Themes:
type Themes = {
  dark: BaseTheme['theme']
  light: BaseTheme['theme']
  constants?: BaseTheme['constants']
  • mode: An optional string of type ThemeMode: (Default: 'auto')
type ThemeMode = 'auto' | 'dark' | 'light'

Function: useCreateStyle(createStyles)

Hook to create themed stylesheets.


  • createStyles: A function that receives the current theme and returns an object of type Styles.
type Styles  = {
  [prop: string]: ViewStyle | TextStyle | ImageStyle
type Theme = (BaseTheme['constants'] & BaseTheme['theme']) | BaseTheme['theme']


[styles, theme]: [StyleSheet.NamedStyles<Styles>, Theme]

Function: useMode()

Hook to get access to current mode.


[mode, setMode]: [ThemeMode, (newMode: ThemeMode) => void]

Function: useTheme()

Hook to get access to current theme.


theme: Theme

Function: useThemes()

Hook to get access to themes.


[themes, setThemes]: [Themes, (newThemes: Themes) => void]