Spotted is an app where you can share a thought, an outburst, express yourself throught a catchphrase or even ask who was that red-shirt person in the math class this morning ;) All of that anonymously! You can also interact with the closest (250km) posts from you, with likes and comments, also in complete anonymity, of course!
My idea was to create a web application that looks native and with all, or almost all, features of a native app (such as camera, geo-location, get unique device identifier, app stores presence etc). For this, I used Meteor for the web application and React Native to load the meteor app through a webview, using WebViewBridge to communicate between the two sides.
I invested a lot of time in the design, to make users very convinced that they are using a native application.
Everything (design) was done in pure scss + javascript Including the transitions ;)
Again: it's not native. It's a web app!
This web app has the following user phone's informations, provided by the native side (React native)
- Unique ID
- Camera (to upload a custom background to the spotted)
- Geolocation
- Operational system (to properly load the layouts (iOS, iOS + notch and android))
- Multi language support with i18n.
- Refactor and clean the code.
- Error handling
- Compress image before sending it out of the native side
- Properly implement Popular Feed and a popularity calculator algorithym
- Create a login (with facebook) system so the users can create communities/groups and they can know sometimes if the spotteds's author is a friend, a friend of a friend etc.
- Create a better loading component
- Create pagination with infinite scroll (it's already implemented)
- Pull to refresh? Should I make the app not that real time?
Spotted was an idea that I may continue to work on. But before to publish it, I have to think better about the privacy and some legal stuff. I just used it as an excuse to create a cool app in Meteor being loaded by a WebView inside of a React Native App, instead of just creating a dummy and simple proof-of-concept.
I don't even have space for Android Studio here, so I didn't work in the Android side, only iOS. Please consider that before running it.
In /App.js, do the proper changes to the webview url (currently
The Meteor app is inside of spotted-app.