This project is part of my recent studies and I come through this repository to demonstrate an attempt to contribute to the topic addressed (authentication with phone number) due to the lack of references on the subject.
Email-me: [email protected]
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Errors that are handled in the application:
- quotaExceeded : indicate that the user made more requests than allowed, our system returns manyRequests() in the application.
- ERROR_SESSION_EXPIRED : indicate that the user has erred the code sent several times, our system returns sessionExpired() in the application.
- ERROR_INVALID_VERIFICATION_CODE : indicate that the user has erred the code sent, our system returns wrongSentCode() in the application.
- Any other error : indicate that the user made more requests than allowed, our system returns serverError() in the application.
- To identify more errors access .
Cloning the Repository
$ git clone
$ cd phone_number_authentication_flutter
$ flutter pub get
First add the project to your Firebase console, follow these steps. Soon after, perform settings related to phone number authentication with Android and iOS .
With all dependencies installed and the environment properly configured, you can now run the app:
$ flutter run
- flutter_bloc : State Manager
- flutter_modular : Router and dependency inject
- freezed_annotation : Annotation for the freezed
- dartz : Functional programming
- flutter_masked_text : Masked text input for flutter.
- firebase_auth : Authentication
- build_runner : Code generator
- freezed : Implements Data Class and Sealed Class